====== Android Coding Questions ====== ==== Where's an example of layout used by ListActivity? ==== ==== How do I start another activity? ==== startActivity(new Intent(this, MyAnotherActivity.class)); + Don't forget to add lines in AndroidManifest.xml ==== How to add EditText fields to the table's cells? ==== ==== How to get Eclipse and Android work in Ubuntu? ==== For eclipse you need to use sun java packages (gcc gjc java is installed by default but it does not seem to work well) * https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java * get JDK (SDK) package as well Ubuntu 9.10 repositories have Eclipse 3.5.1. It does not work with Android SDK. Get newer Eclipse. Version 3.5.2 seem to work. * http://www.eclipse.org => Download => Eclipse for Java (or Java EE (not nessessary)). * Extract it to your self installed software place (eg. /opt) and link eclipse start program to some place in your PATH. Follow general android install [[setup|instructions]]. ==== How to save XML file after editing (f.e. adding new child) - what class to use? ==== To use XmlSerializer is one option to save XML into readable form (string or file). See the following link [[http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-android/|Working with XML on Android]] if that is helpful. private String writeXml(List messages){ XmlSerializer serializer = Xml.newSerializer(); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try { serializer.setOutput(writer); serializer.startDocument("UTF-8", true); serializer.startTag("", "messages"); serializer.attribute("", "number", String.valueOf(messages.size())); for (Message msg: messages){ serializer.startTag("", "message"); serializer.attribute("", "date", msg.getDate()); serializer.startTag("", "title"); serializer.text(msg.getTitle()); serializer.endTag("", "title"); serializer.startTag("", "url"); serializer.text(msg.getLink().toExternalForm()); serializer.endTag("", "url"); serializer.startTag("", "body"); serializer.text(msg.getDescription()); serializer.endTag("", "body"); serializer.endTag("", "message"); } serializer.endTag("", "messages"); serializer.endDocument(); return writer.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } ==== Does anybody know how to launch another application, e.g. "YouTube" from your own program? ==== I know how to launch web-browser, if smb needs I can explain. Also I've installed some applications to the emulator, except YouTube :(. By the way we know how to send data from one activity to another and few other features, that could be useful just ask, may be we've faced with it! Vadim. A: A generic answer to this is that you need to know the intent filter of the started activity/application. When you know the intent filter you can always create intent that is going to match to the filter. Then, it is simply just a call on Context.startActivity(intent). All the "standard" platform applications and their AndroidManifest.xml files are in the public repository. ==== How to add question ? ==== Log into wiki, find this question (index) page, and add a question beginning the this page, after first headline. ==== My Problem ? ==== How to get functionality X to work ? ==== How to answer a question ? ==== Just write a solution text into section, after question. If solution is bigger that one paragraph size (having eg. couple screenshots), it is good idea document solution into separate page. Solution in [[separate page]]