====== Project Name ====== grp 02 Group members Evgeni Kovalev (0500765) Pavel Osipov (0600767) ===== Idea ===== ANDROCHI Androchi is the artifical intelligence – software for the Android – based mobile devices. The name and idea were developed from small Japanese toy called Tamagotchi. Androchi is a pet- like character which eats, learns, gets seek and so on. User must train it and keep it satisfied. ===== Features ===== 1 = most critical or core .. leats citical or core feature ^ Feature ^ Priority ^ | Learn Android basics | 1 | | Artifical intelligence classes | 2 | | SQLite issues | 3 | | Interface design | 4 | ===== Mini Goals ===== (answer to what's next) ^ TASK ^ STATE ^ | learned basic skills | OK | | planing and coding the AI | UNFINISHED | | making SQLite work | OK | | working on interface design | OK | ===== Design ===== ===== Screen shots ===== |{{:android2010:grp2:2.jpg|}}|{{:android2010:grp2:3.jpg|}}|{{:android2010:grp2:4.jpg|}}| |Statistics|Food list|Gym prax| ===== Implementation Comments ===== ===== Presentation ===== (powerpoint or pdf slides file) Acrobat {{:android2010:grp2:esitys_grp2_kovalev_osipov.pdf|}} PowerPoint {{:android2010:grp2:esitys_grp2_kovalev_osipov.pptx|}} ===== Package ===== (.zip file) {{:android2010:grp2:androchi_grp2_kovalev_osipov.zip|}} ==== How to run ==== ===== Conclusion of your work ===== (what was good, what was bad, impressive or depressive things in android development) Android SDK brings, for sure, extra aspects to Java. But on the other hand Google brought us a powerful tool for its mobile device which has much more opportunities to customize everything than previously familiar J2ME for Symbian mobile devices. Things we learned: * Basic programming for Android * SQLite programming. ===== Brochure ===== {{:android2010:grp2:brochure_grp2_kovalev_osipov.pdf|}} ===== Description ===== {{:android2010:grp2:description_grp2_kovalev_osipov.pdf|}}