====== Create Android Package ====== Note: Your application have to have unique java package path and name, if there is same name already in device you cannot install it. === 1. Select your project and choose android export === => Export .. {{ :code:apk_create_1.png }} === 2. Project to create package from === Separate dialog, default should be ok === 3. Create Key Store File === Android application framework requires packages to be signed by authors key, so make a key store file, for example to Desktop. Select some easy remember 6 character password (or go secure if you like, not much matter at this point). {{ code:apk_create_2.png }} === 4. Create Key For application package === {{ :code:apk_create_3.png }} === 5. Select .apk package file to create === {{ :code:apk_create_4.png }} .. and Finish === 6. Test, start android virtual machine === From eclipse or with adb tool in Android SDK/tools/ . === 7. Test, install package into virtual machine === Open Window Start => Accessories => Command Prompt > cd "\Program Files\android-sdk-windows\tools" > adb install "Document and Settings\hevi\Desktop\Wictionary.apk" (there was name conflict in Wictionary, as it was installed to device by default, so renamed and refactored package path) === 8. Run application in virtual device === - Goto home screen - Open applications slide & find your application (by the name you have give to it, not nessessary package name) - Click & Run === 9. Distribute === - Put package to wiki page. Enclose it first to .zip package as php upload is stupid and allows only set of extensions. - Put package to your memory stick (use this for presentation)