Table of Contents

Team Pacman


Idea Presentation



Pacman is SuperPacman now.

iDeas for merging games


Feature Plan

Priority 1-3 (1 - must, 2 - should, 3 - maybe):

Task Description Status Responsible Priority
Movement Movement codes, different scenarios Done Manuel 1
Ghosts AI Ghosts AI Done Manuel 1
3d model Blender 3d model changes on pacman and ghost Done Juho 1
3d model Implement models and animations Failed Juho 1
Death Pacman / ghost collision and death functions, with game restarting after death Done Ibrahim 1
Scenario Create a new scenario using pre-defined textures Done Manuel 1
Feature Add some power ups for pacman Done Manuel 1
Special pellet Special type of pellet hides somewhere Done Vitor, Manuel 1
Ending Finish game eating all pellets Done Vitor 1
Non-sense Features Ghosts eat pacman's pellets Done Manuel
Merging!! Merge all the scripts Done Ibrahim
Game Cloud Connect to GameCloud and upload achievements Done Juho, Ibrahim 1
Connecting games 1 Use newspapers instead of pellets (Primal Element) Not started 2
Connecting games 2 Use flappybird texture for main character Not started Manuel 1
Connecting games 3 Cameras affect pacman (On the run) Not started 2
Connecting games 4 Increase speed of the main character (connected with Notpr0n game) Not started Ibrahim 2
Connecting games 5 Record voices for Pacman in finnish (Primal Element phrases) Not started Manuel, Vitor, Ibrahim 1
Connecting games 6 Pacman talking (Primal Element) Not started 1
Decide Tools Unity 3d Done


Name Description AskCode
TheTransparentPellet There is a transparent pellet. Will you find it? hdk5bgxz7meipb9
500points Earn 500 points to unlock this achievement bmkouomlys73z0k9
1000points Earn 1000 points to unlock this achievement 8wlehjl4pickrzfr
2000points Earn 2000 points to unlock this achievement koka0rfxpp0hpvi
Tricky Earn 5000 points to unlock this achievement t5q2ywjc7s2u766r
GameCompleted When the player (pacman) eats all pellets oyuihmabuscnb3xr

Source Code and report

Source code:
Presentation: pacman_clone_presentation.pdf
Report: team_pacman_report.docx