~~NOTOC~~ ====== Imagine Cup & Code Camp ====== {{ http://www.codezone.fi/upload/IC09_Logo_standard_1773.jpg?200}} //Imagine a world where technology helps solve the toughest problems facing us today.// -- [[http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/|UN Millenium Goals]] http://imaginecup.com/ ==== Imagine Cup Registration ==== Registration and sending the work to competition is required to pass the code camp course. Competition category is **Software Design**. * http://imaginecup.com/Competition/mycompetitionportal.aspx?competitionId=19 * http://www.codezone.fi/ImagineCup2009.Codezone (finland, instruction at the end of the page) Registration page: https://imaginecup.com/Registration/ * Please enter the referral code as well: * Tampere, TUT: CodeCampTUT * Helsinki, TKK: CodeCampHUT * Lappeenranta, LUT: CodeCampLPR What is Mentor's name? More information about mentors: http://imaginecup.com/Support/MentorResources.aspx Mentor field can be left blank, if you are not planning to use any help. ==== More ==== * see [[Schedule]] for code camp deadlines