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dotnet2013:group5:start [2013/01/24 14:43]
dotnet2013:group5:start [2013/02/03 21:56]
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   * Yasir Ali    * Yasir Ali 
-  * ville Arola+  * Ville Arola
   * Gergely Zachar   * Gergely Zachar
   * Saeed Mirzaeifar    * Saeed Mirzaeifar 
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-=== Idea ===+=== Motivation===
-  * There are approximately 5 000 people whose maternal language is Finnish sign language. +  * Feel Lazy to go shopping ! 
-  * In addition, about 9 000 people (hearing impaired, friends of deaf people, etc.) in Finland use Finnish sign language . +  * No more time for go shopping and buy needed stuff ! 
-  * There are over 36 million people in the world, who use sign language in their everyday lives. +  * Hard weather to go shopping! 
-  * For every 1000 people there are 12 children that are deaf or mute.+  * It is not beneficial to start your car and go shopping especially in cold weather.
 +=== Idea ===
-=== Problems ===+  * There is a need for an organization that deliver stuff and goods to customer home. 
 +  * In addition, customers can save their time and money to have their desirable shopping online. 
 +  * There is not such this organization in Finland.
-  * Deaf and hard of hearing people often feel left out of the conversation or they are actually ignored by other people. 
-  * “Lip-reading is not easy!” 
-  * Deaf people want to be treated the same as other people, with equal rights and respect. 
-  * Interpretation is error prone after 15 minutes. 
 +===== WHAT IS Sale Assistant=====
 +   *Create a software for delivery service companies
 +   *Delegate a sales assistant for shopping
 +   *Collect and offer items from stores
 +   *Handle user request for items
 +   *Collect the orders
 +   *Planing and optimizing the trips
 +   *OPTIMIZE most of the things
 +===== Design =====
 +   *DataBase
-===== WHAT IS MALT =====+{{:dotnet2013:group5:database.jpg?200|}}
-MALT is a software, powered by innovative natural language processing engine, PUHE. 
-MALT is made to support plug-ins to extend its functionality. 
-PUHE engine is a tool to process natural language. It handles translation from sign language to speech and vice versa. 
-PUHE is implemented as a circle, which inner parts are divided into 2 logical packages: 
-  * SPEECH to SIGN 
-  * SIGN   to SPEECH 
-====== FEATURES ====== 
-**Translations (PUHE)** 
-  * Speech to sign language 
-  * Sign language to speech 
-**Social dictionary (PUHEpedia)** 
-  *  Users can add new words (signs) via webcam in different sign languages 
-**Education (PUHE@edu)** 
-  * Learning 
 +======Presentation ======
 ==== Technologies ==== ==== Technologies ====
-  * //MS SQL Server 2008 SP1//+  * //MS SQL Server 2012 //
-  * //Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2//+  * //Visual Studio 2012 //
-  * //Silverlight 4 Beta//+  * //Windows Azure//
-  * //MS Speech SDK 5.1//+  * //SVN Tortoise //
-  * //MS .NET RIA Services//+  * // for task sharing//
   * //.NET Framework 4 Beta//   * //.NET Framework 4 Beta//
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-==== Important to notice ==== 
- Simultaanitulkkaus 
-Simultaani- eli samanaikaistulkkauksessa tulkki tulkkaa samaan aikaan kun vastaanottaa viestiä. Kun kuuleva henkilö puhuu, tulkki viittoo yhtä aikaa. Kun viittomakielinen viittoo, tulkki puhuu eli spiikkaa samanaikaisesti. Simultaanitulkkaus on erittäin haastavaa ja se vaatii taitoa ja keskittymistä. On tutkittu, että noin 15-20 minuutin tulkkauksen jälkeen virheiden määrä kasvaa ja tulkkauksen laatu kärsii. Siksi pidemmissä tilaisuuksissa, esimerkiksi opiskelutulkkauksessa käytetään usein kahta tulkkia, jotka tulkkaavat vuorotellen. Näin tulkkauksen laatu säilyy hyvänä läpi koulupäivän. [[ || Link]] 
 +====== Files ======
 +===Final Report===
-== LINKS ==+{{|}}