Table of Contents

Ball Murder

Ball murder is a fairly gore game, where you defend your home from invading enemies with a giant ball. The only way to stop the invaders is to roll over them.



Our idea was to use a phones gyroscope in a mobile game. Our game shaped up to be Ball Murder, where you control a ball by tilting your phone and making use of the gyroscope it has. In order to accommodate older Windows Phones we also built a joystick into the game to control the ball if the phone doesn't support gyroscope. This was also built as a failsafe if we didn't have enough time to finis the gyroscope, which unfortunately was the case.


Main motivation for our group was to create something new, and especially for a mobile phone. We wanted to create a game, because it seemed to be a good platform to try out the gyroscope of newer Windows Phones. We chose Windows Phone as our platform since it seemed easier to distribute than a game designed for computer users.


Unprecedented joystick

Multiple game levels

Original music and voice effects

Original artwork



Monday Figure out an idea for the project, divide work and start coding
Tuesday Try to make a basic version of the game with joystick and moving ball
Wednesday Add enemies, do music and voice acting
Thurday Add different levels, gyroscope-controlled-version, bosses, whatever we manage to do
Friday Finish wiki and documents & Presentate

