**Le Restaurant Dongle** -------------- **TEAM** Janne Tallqvist Sami Tarkiainen Antti Herala Hanna Salopaasi -------------- **IDEA** To simplify ordering process in a restaurant. -------------- **GOAL** A customer can place an order from his/her table's tablet interface. Waiter and kitchen sees the order from their interface. The order will be served to the table. Customer can continue to easily order refills for his/her drinks from the table interface without the fuss of finding an available waiter. -------------- **FEATURES** Customer tablet interface which can create orders that are saved to a database. A waiter/kitchen interface that sees the orders in the database. Fully functional database logics. -------------- **TECHNOGICAL VIEWPOINT** C#, XAML, MySQL, PHP -------------- **POSTER** {{:group3:picturw.png?200|}} -------------- **VISUAL STUDIO PROJECT** https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cfae5u976zau4x6/qLl8SqZHdE