Running the Malaysian Hackathon from a backend perspective
Week One
Day 1: Monday
In person Registration
Welcome speech/ Introduction to hackathon (overview, goals, rules, and expectations)
Presentation on green IT (by sponsors or partners or collaborators)
Icebreaker activities and team formation
Concluding talk
Day 2: Tuesday
Day 3: Wednesday
Workshop on project planning and management
Teams work on the idea phase
Team should have a general idea of their solution
Teams work on a high level prototype their solution
Day 4: Thursday
Day 5: Friday
Team preparation for the development portion of the hackathon
Beginning of the development portion
Concluding talk by the hosts for the end of the first week
Week Two
Day 8: Monday
Brief introductory talk for the beginning of the second week
Teams will continue to work on the development portion of their ‘solution’
Progress updates should be pushed at a minimum once a day to some platform such as github. Hosts should have access to team repositories
Teams should be focused on creating an overall ‘skeleton’ of their tool at this stage
Teams will continue to work on development
Day 7: Tuesday
Teams will continue to work on the development of their solution
Mid-hackathon progress talks and feedback with hosts
Teams should make modifications based on feedback if needed
Teams should continue to work on development, with a goal to have at a minimum, the ‘skeleton’ completed by the end of the day
Day 8: Wednesday
Teams should work on adding the functionality to their skeleton
Team will continue to work on development
Start working on presentations and demos
Day 9: Thursday
Final bug fixes and feature enhancements
Teams should be finishing the development phase
Dry run of presentations with mentors
Day 10: Friday
Demo day presentations/ Pitching session
Closing Ceremony (Winner announcement)
Feedback collection from participants and mentors (online form)
Networking event
Workshops available (In Person / Virtual):
Week 1
Planning Workshop
Design Workshops
Principles of user-centered design
Prototyping tools (Figma)
Creating accessible interfaces.
Designing for sustainability
User behavior impact on energy consumption
Week 1 - 2
Development Workshops (optional)
Week 2
Green Coding Practices
Introduction to sustainable coding practices
Energy-efficient algorithms
Eco-friendly design principles
Integration and Deployment Workshop
Cloud Deployments
Scaling Infrastructure
Best practices for integrating web and mobile applications,
API integration