**SimaPro** (https://simapro.com/) SimaPro is a life cycle assessment (LCA) software used to analyze and model the environmental performance of products and services. It helps businesses, researchers, and policymakers make informed decisions by providing detailed insights into the environmental impacts throughout a product's life cycle. -Key Features: -> __Comprehensive LCA Modelling__: Supports detailed environmental impact analysis with a robust database and versatile modeling capabilities. -> __Scenario Analysis__: Allows users to compare different scenarios and assess the potential environmental impacts of various choices. -> __Customizable Reporting__: Generate customizable reports and visualizations for clear communication of results. SimaPro offers various pricing plans depending on the user’s needs, ranging from single-user licenses to multi-user options for large organizations. Price: not-free (5000$ for annual subscription) {{:ixc2024:tech:tools:networkdiagram-esu-food-database-gwp-of-1kg-avocado-transported-by-air-from-br-to-ch.png?400|}}