====== BusRoute ====== **TEAM** **Group 1** ^ Group Member ^ Student Number ^ | Behdad Soleimani | 0384198 | | Alireza Adli | 0406160 | | Fitsum Kiros Tsegay | 0424809 | ===== GOAL ===== * To define bus routes for Lappeenranta * Developing a mobile phone application which is actually a profitable service for people * Challenging coding skills with coding for Sailfish OS ===== Idea ===== * In Google map bus timetable isn't available for Lappeenranta * There are many new comers in each semester at Lappeenranta University of Technology ===== Problem ===== * Using bus service based on timetable booklet is time consuming and tricky in some points especially in Winter ===== What is BusRoute ===== * BusRoute defines bus timetable for Lappeenranta on Google map. User can find the nearest bus stop easily with entering source and destination. S/he can also choose date and time of the departure or arrival. ===== Features ===== * Finding nearest bus stop based on source and destination * Selecting date and time of departure or arrival * Calculating walking distance to next bus stop ===== Technologies ===== * Sailfish IDE * Qt Framework * Oracle VM VirtualBox * Jolla Device ===== Data sources ===== [[https://developers.google.com/maps/|Goggle Maps static API]]\\ [[http://developer.matka.fi/pages/en/http-get-interface.php/ |Matka.fi API]]\\ ===== Screenshots ===== {{:jolla2014:group10:3.png?200|}}{{:jolla2014:group10:4.png?200|}}{{:jolla2014:group10:8.png?200|}} {{:jolla2014:group10:6.png?200|}}{{:jolla2014:group10:7.png?200|}}{{:jolla2014:group10:5.png?200|}} ===== Poster ===== {{:jolla2014:group10:busrouteposter.png?300|}} ===== Presentation & report ===== {{:jolla2014:group10:presentation_busroute.pdf|}} {{:jolla2014:group10:project_report_group10.pdf|}} ====== Source ===== {{:jolla2014:group10:busroute.zip|}} Subversion repository: http://sourceforge.net/p/publicroute/code/HEAD/tree/ Application at OpenRepos: https://openrepos.net/content/alirezaadli/busroute