====== Project - OneStopFlicks ====== OneStopFlicks is a service/application that provides a possibility to search movies/series from variety of 3rd party services with a single search. Usage demo video: [[https://lut-my.sharepoint.com/personal/jaakko_tuuri_student_lut_fi/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=06c41773666234567a1b6c39840249bbf&authkey=AReR-5-kEAgp_6M3BFLcrPM&expiration=2020-01-14T23%3A44%3A54.000Z&e=QAenKq|Onedrive (mp4)]] ===== Features included ===== * Searching for movies & series (uses placeholder data at the moment) * List of popular items by default (uses placeholder data at the moment) * Single page app * A simple UI: Easy and clear to use on every platform tested * Responsive: Looks good on both mobile and desktop/laptop (smartwatches etc not tested) ===== Features not included ===== Features we came up with but decided not to include in the project during the intensive week but that could be added later: * Including Netflix, HBO and others: We decided to leave this out for now since other services already exist. * Reminder services: This is more a back end-feature and so is outside the scope of a React-project. ===== Implementation ===== The app is built with React.js ===== In the future ===== Features we think would be important to add to the app: * Using real data from the services ===== Instructions ===== The project is available on GitHub here: https://github.com/toivomattila/react-cc.git ====== Team echo "foo" ====== The team members for our team are Toivo Mattila, Jaakko Tuuri and Tony Vilpponen. Below are the presentations presented. * Team presentation {{ :reactjs2018january:group5:team_presentation_echo_foo.pptx |}} * Project presentation: {{ :reactjs2018january:group5:Codecamp.pptx |}}