Table of Contents

Group 8



Centralized Job Application → Its an online application which simplifies and centralized the job application procedures for companies and job seeker. The idea is when the job seeker and the companies are registering to the application and job seekers are giving the privilage to have their own profile which consist of their CV. Companies are also given the access to view all job seekers CV application and contact the applicatnt if he/she is qualified and more valuable to the company. Both job seeker and company are able to update their information. Both job seekers and companies must register to the application by providing their basic information and selecting an username and a password. After registration is complete and registration form submitted, companies and job seekers can the access to the inner application by entering their username and password. Job seeker then will view the VC form which needs to be filled up and submit. The companies can then view the list of CVs from the different applicants. The applicant can always go back to the account and update the CV and submit again. This application make it easier to the job seekers to find the job that is more suitable to their position and skills. Companies are then searching and looking for the applicant whome fit to their needs.



1. Job Seeker

2. Companies

3. Extra Feature

Team Achievement

   1. Job Seeker
* Login/ Logout
* Registration Form
* CV Form
* Profile
  2. Companies 
* Login
* Registration Form



Software Running

Software Package



Work With Vaadin

  1 List of impressive things during coding  
* Vaading is the powerful Java Framework
* It provides UI and the components that gives a new look to the system
* Its flexible
* Windows, Login windows, Menubars are so usefull and suitable
  2 List of problems encountered when coding
* Vaadin Requires more times to be familiar with
* We had face the Tomcat problems. Keep refreshing the page and writing **?restartApplication** to run the project.
* We had problems showing another application components from an existing application
* Team had difficulties creating Windows that could access the other application componenrts
* Team had **No** technical Vaadin experince

Team Feedback

With all the difficulties we were facing with during the implementation, team discoverd this course and project so challanging. Team planned to get more familiarities to the Vaading environment as well as knowing more Vaading components and its used. Team focused was on adding more valuable knowledge from this IDE and gain coding experince in one week. This was a big impression to the team to increase the programing skills and knowledge. Team appriciate this course to show a new world to them.