Things to install to N900

Here is a list of things that need to be installed to the n900s to get them working properly:

Setting up the Extras-Devel

First you need to enable the maemo-extras devel

Go to App Manager → application catalogues (from the menu bar) → New

And add the following to the catalogue

Installing the maemo-connectivity

As you don't have even have x-term installed nor sudo rights, you need to install the connectivity package with the App Manager. So, go to App Manager and search for maemo-pc-connectivity The installation will ask you to set a new root and user passwords, so put something easy for codecamp use, such as lut or codecamp (I would prefer lut, as it is faster to type with the phone's own keyboard) :-D Please, use the same password for both.

Using PC-Connectivity Manager

Now that it is installed, we need to check that it works. Connecting to PC through USB is the best and most efficient way, as it provides the lowest latency (and makes the system actually usable :-P).

At the N900 desktop you can access connection switcher from the top menu bar. Goto Menu bar → Connection Switcher Selected Environments: Default, tick the USB and push Apply. Now it should work just fine.

Test the connection by plugging the USB cable to the computer. Open the Virtual Image installed and try to


If it does not ping, go to the virtual machine menu → Devices → USB Devices → And select the Linux 2.6.8-omap1 with musb-hdrc RNDIS/Ethernet gadget (at least on this test machine). After this the ping should work and you have the CONNECTION!!!! :-D

Installing the root priviledges

Go back to App Manager and search for rootsh. Install it (surprise!!!).

Now we finally can continue with installing the required stuff to the device

Installing the required development stuff to N900

Now you can easily connect to the phone from your computer. Open terminal and

ssh user@
# Password is the one you put before, try >>lut<<

And now lets start really installing stuff!!! (there might be a lot and something still missing from here)

sudo gainroot
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade # In case something new has popped up
apt-get install maemo-python-device-env
# Gstreamer to get camera and other stuff working (like the code snippets) :-P
apt-get install gstreamer0.10-alsa gstreamer0.10-flac gstreamer0.10-plugins-base python-gst0.10 gstreamer-tools 
apt-get install ogg-support decoders-support gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-extra
# Here you have to select accept on n900 to install the decoders support completely
apt-get install python-location python-hildondesktop
apt-get install personal-ip-address

After this you should have all the required stuff installed and the device ready to go. Also, notice that there is now an Applet on the N900 desktop, that displays your IP address (might come in handy) ;-)