meta data for this page

This is an old revision of the document!


  • Jussi Loiri
  • Jaakko Purhonen
  • Jani Taalikka


Puble is a software for customers and staff of pubs, bars, restaurant and night clubs. Software uses location services, maps and notifications.

It's the Leatherman for everyone who likes to go out and have fun. It locates your whereabouts and searches the nearest places to eat, drink and party all night long. You can get detailed information about all the hip places. It provides real time information such as special offers, customer count, menu etc.


1 = most critical or core .. leats citical or core feature

Feature (Customer) Priority
list of nearby restaurants on map 1
possibility to view detailed information of selected restaurant 1
notifications about special offers, happy hours,events etc. 10
Feature (Restaurant) Priority
clicker for the bouncer (for counting customers in real time) 1
adding special offers 10
creating notifications 10

Mini Goals

  • Basic UI elements (done)
  • Get the map to show places (done)
  • Clicker (done)
  • Restaurant informations (done)
  • Notifications for a user (not implemented)


Screen shots

Implementation Comments



(.zip file)

How to run

Conclusion of your work

(what was good, what was bad, impressive or depressive things in android development)