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Group 2


Theme: Achieve Universal Primary Education

93 Million of children are out of school due to various reasons including

  • School fees, textbook fees, compulsory uniforms and transportation (Cost)
  • Lack of educational resources, trained teachers, school spaces and facilities (Resources)


A solution which provides environment to access education resources for schools,groups,and children in the language they study through participation. Specially the schools or institutes who lack teaching infrastructure and resources and also the developed counter parts.

  • Educational resources (online,offline(CD,print material))- Videos, E-books, presentations, audio.
  • Language -The aim here is to have ready to use educational resources in native language (Localization) support to assist teaching .
  • Participation -Individuals, groups, organizations

How it works

The application allows individuals, groups, organizations to access, share,upload educational resources according to the categories like Language, Subject, Country, Class. The resources are in the form of videos, E books, presentations.

Technology used

  • Visual Studio 2008
  • Microsoft Expression Blend 3
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008
  • Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1
  • Silverlight
  • Bing Maps

Presentation group2_readyedu.ppt