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Home Automation CodeCamp - Spring 2018

Week 19, 10.5. - 13.5.2018
Location: LUT coder lab
Start: 10.5.2018 at 9.15AM
Topic: HomeAutomation .. save energy (and world) by automizing some home controls

Course News

  • Guidelines for Sunday's presentation:
    • 30min per group
    • Emphasis on the Scenario, the benefits and advantages
    • Present first your ideas for the scenario
    • Then go on to how you designed the solution and present the design decision
    • Do not forget to present all of your vision. You probably did not have the time to implement everything during the week. Show your entire vision in the presentation before going to the implementation. How cool would your finalized solution be?
    • Present on Home Automation Protocol in a level of detail, that shows that you have understood the technology, its limits and chances
    • Present FHEM and your view/experience with i

Course Tools

* {{ :door_window_sensor_fht80tf_de_en_fr_nl.pdf | Door-Window-Sensor FHT80b}}
* {{ :fht80.pdf | FHT80 Heating Control}}
* {{ :fs_20_piri_2_1_.pdf |PIRI FS20}}
* {{ :fs_20_st_3_wireless_switch.pdf |FS20ST Wireless Switch}}
* {{ :fs20_di_1_remote_dimmer.pdf |FS20DI Dimmer}}
* {{ :twilight_sensor_fs20sd_1_.pdf |FS20SD Twilight}}

Helping Material

  • Feel free to paste useful links here!

Slides from the opening lecture

-includes instructions for the final presentation

Slides Smart Buildings

Code Camp Week

Location coder lab

  • Course starts on Thursday at 9:15AM.
  • Project returns at 10AM on Sunday (in the Code Camp week)

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
08:15 -
09:15 Opening
10:15 Group presentations
12:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
13:00 Presentations
14:15 Idea brainstorming and group formation / Rapid prototyping
16:30 Progress reports by all teams Presentations complete


Group Application Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5
Group 1 xx Name Name Name Name
Group 2 xx Name Name Name Name
Group 3 xx Name Name Name Name
Group 4 xx Name Name Name Name
Group 5 xx Name Name Name Name
Group 6 xx Name Name Name Name

Return requirements for groups and the return schedule (TODO)

  • On Friday, at the end of the course, you need to have
    • 15 minutes presentation about your Scenario & Setup (idea, motivation, goals, technology used, what was actually implemented etc.)
      • Proposed talk topics
      • Scenario and Vision incl. benefits & savings
      • Design plan
      • Experiences about the platform
      • One or two things in the source code that you are most proud of and think that might be useful to others
    • Five minutes demonstration of your working program
      • Proposed talk topics
      • The application flow and features
      • The user experience with the application
      • Showcase your best features and explain how they are cool or useful
    • Five minutes explanation of a home automation protocol
      • Detailed explanation of a protocol (each group chooses a different protocol)
    • Short Explanation of FHEM and impression
    • = Total presentation time of 30 minutes
    • Finished your wiki page and linked it to this one. Use this or this as an example for your wiki page.
      • Group members
      • Idea
      • Motivation
      • Features (with screen captures!)
      • Which kind of technology, platforms, access methods you have used
      • One-Page Poster for your Scenario & Setup
      • Some explanatory charts (optionally)
      • Your project folder compressed and uploaded to the wiki OR a public link to your Git or Mercurial repository
  • In one week, (i.e. 7 days from from your final presentations)
    • Update your wiki page with:
      • Project report on the same themes as your wiki pages. Write more on these themes and also put the content back on your wiki page.
        • Use the same criteria as in the wiki page. Use a seminar paper template. (except no literature review required here, of course)
      • One page poster about your project (see examples from previous years, also upload this poster to the wiki)
        • Make this more like an advertisement. Try to sell your idea and solution in here! Also: Try to make it so that it'd look good in your CV.
      • Project source code OR a link to your public repository (good places are Github or Bitbucket)

Discussion and the Q&A

  • See our new team platform for team status (link upcoming)
  • Group 4
  • WE are working on the meeting room scenario
  • We want to provide comfort and efficiency during meeting time slots


I have an exam in Code Camp week ?

You are free to go exam, but code camp in intensive course and idea is to focus coding during the well, so it is recommended you prepare to exam before the code camp week. You are fully evaluated based on your working during the code camp.

Grading ?

Grading 1-5 from

  • Idea and presentation of the Idea in wiki: 25%
  • Coding of the implementation: 25%
  • Presentation: 10%
  • Code Camp Spirit: 20%
  • Code camp report 20%