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ixc2024:tech:wfrontend:criteria:start [2024/08/19 08:58]
ixc2024:tech:wfrontend:criteria:start [2024/08/26 07:06] (current)
rubenhuygens [How do I meet the criteria?]
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 ^ Metric ^ Needs improvement ^ Good ^ Excellent ^ References ^ ^ Metric ^ Needs improvement ^ Good ^ Excellent ^ References ^
-| Understanding of the challenge |^^^^ 
-| Process |^^^^ 
-| Agility | No agreements were made on how to work in a team |  Plans were noted down on what needed to be accomplished each day |  Plans were noted down on what needed to be accomplished each day; it was clearly communicated what work each team member took upon themselves | Trello/Jira | 
-| Tools used for design |  No prototyping technique used |  Documented prototyping process, paper prototypes (Paper or Balsamiq) with brainstorming sessions and discussions that lead to it |  Team developed a Figma prototype that showcases the basic flow of the application (+ good req) | Figma, Balsamiq, | 
-| Tools used for analysis |  No analysis tools were used |  Used one tool to measure energy and data efficiency |  Used multiple tools to measure energy and data efficiency and noted to averages of them | | 
-| Tools used for (green) coding |  Used no tools beyond VScode, Netlify, React |  Used SonarLint or SonarQube (or equivalent) |  Used SonarLint or SonarQube and WebPack | SonarLint, SonarQube, WebPack | 
-| Tools used for teamwork |  No teamwork tools used |  Used Git(Hub) |  Used Git(Hub) and Trello/Jira | GitHub, Trello, Jira | 
 | Sustainable Design decisions |^^^^ | Sustainable Design decisions |^^^^
 | Green UI Design |  Created a tool in light mode |  Created a tool in dark mode |  Created a tool that is in dark mode by default, but can be toggled to light mode | | | Green UI Design |  Created a tool in light mode |  Created a tool in dark mode |  Created a tool that is in dark mode by default, but can be toggled to light mode | |
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 === Tools === === Tools ===
 ** Testing web performance ** ** Testing web performance **
 +  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:DigitalBeacon|Digital Beacon]] [[|link]] -  compares first and return visit to the websit
 +  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:Globemallow|Globemallow]] [[|link]] - a browser add-on that generates a report on the environmental sustainability of the website and gives advice on how to optimize it, works when hosting a website locally
 +  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:WebsiteCarbon|Website Carbon]] [[|link]] - estimates the carbon emissions attributed to a website.
 +  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:lighthouse| Lighthouse]] (open inspector)- dev tools tab that offers most of above mentioned analyses
 +  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:GreenPageAnalyzer|Aalto University - Green Page Analyzer]] [[|link]]
 +If you have time:
   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:EcoGrader|EcoGrader]] - Gives extremely comprehensive analysis of your website   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:EcoGrader|EcoGrader]] - Gives extremely comprehensive analysis of your website
-  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:DigitalBeacon|Digital Beacon]] -  compares first and return visit to the websit 
-  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:Globemallow|Globemallow]] - a browser add-on that generates a report on the environmental sustainability of the website and gives advice on how to optimize it 
-  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:WebsiteCarbon|Website Carbon]] - estimates the carbon emissions attributed to a website. 
-  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:lighthouse| Lighthouse]] - dev tools tab that offers most of above mentioned analyses 
   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:GreenFrame|Green Frame]] - open-source solution that allows developers to decarbonize their websites by detecting carbon leaks   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:GreenFrame|Green Frame]] - open-source solution that allows developers to decarbonize their websites by detecting carbon leaks
-  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:GreenPageAnalyzer|Aalto University - Green Page Analyzer]]+
 ** Green development ** ** Green development **
   * [[ | SonarLint]] - Tool that forces efficient code on the webpage-level   * [[ | SonarLint]] - Tool that forces efficient code on the webpage-level
   * [[ | SonarQube]] - Tool that benchmarks your code and tells you how to improve upon it   * [[ | SonarQube]] - Tool that benchmarks your code and tells you how to improve upon it
   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:webpack| WebPack]] - Code and media minifaction tool   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:webpack| WebPack]] - Code and media minifaction tool
-TEMP: [[ixc2024:tech:tools:evaluation| Green Code categories]]