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ixc2024:tech:wfrontend:criteria:start [2024/08/26 07:05]
ixc2024:tech:wfrontend:criteria:start [2024/08/26 07:06] (current)
rubenhuygens [How do I meet the criteria?]
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   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:WebsiteCarbon|Website Carbon]] [[|link]] - estimates the carbon emissions attributed to a website.   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:WebsiteCarbon|Website Carbon]] [[|link]] - estimates the carbon emissions attributed to a website.
   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:lighthouse| Lighthouse]] (open inspector)- dev tools tab that offers most of above mentioned analyses   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:lighthouse| Lighthouse]] (open inspector)- dev tools tab that offers most of above mentioned analyses
-  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:GreenFrame|Green Frame]] - open-source solution that allows developers to decarbonize their websites by detecting carbon leaks 
   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:GreenPageAnalyzer|Aalto University - Green Page Analyzer]] [[|link]]   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:GreenPageAnalyzer|Aalto University - Green Page Analyzer]] [[|link]]
 +If you have time:
   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:EcoGrader|EcoGrader]] - Gives extremely comprehensive analysis of your website   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:EcoGrader|EcoGrader]] - Gives extremely comprehensive analysis of your website
 +  * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:GreenFrame|Green Frame]] - open-source solution that allows developers to decarbonize their websites by detecting carbon leaks
 ** Green development ** ** Green development **
   * [[ | SonarLint]] - Tool that forces efficient code on the webpage-level   * [[ | SonarLint]] - Tool that forces efficient code on the webpage-level
   * [[ | SonarQube]] - Tool that benchmarks your code and tells you how to improve upon it   * [[ | SonarQube]] - Tool that benchmarks your code and tells you how to improve upon it
   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:webpack| WebPack]] - Code and media minifaction tool   * [[ixc2024:tech:tools:webpack| WebPack]] - Code and media minifaction tool
-TEMP: [[ixc2024:tech:tools:evaluation| Green Code categories]]