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ixc2024su:start [2024/08/20 06:23]
diva [Groups and their TEAM WikiPages]
ixc2024su:start [2024/08/28 07:08] (current)
trappis [Rough timetable of the ImpactXchange hackathon]
Line 32: Line 32:
   * Week 2 - Green Coding hack   * Week 2 - Green Coding hack
 {{ :ixc2024su:impactxchange_week2_hack.jpg?nolink&800 |Week 2 program}} {{ :ixc2024su:impactxchange_week2_hack.jpg?nolink&800 |Week 2 program}}
 === Hackathon theme & challenges === === Hackathon theme & challenges ===
-{{ :ixc2024su:impactxchange_hackathon_challenge_structure.pdf |Slides describing the hackathon theme and challenges}}+  * {{ :ixc2024su:impactxchange_hackathon_challenge_structure.pdf |Slides describing the hackathon theme and challenges}} 
 +  * {{ :ixc2024su:challenge_template.pptx |Slide template for presenting the group challenge}} 
 +  * {{ :ixc2024su:impactxchange_slide_set-_27.8_monday_.pdf |Green coding concepts and practices presentation}} 
 +  * {{ :ixc2024su:green_coding_energy_measurements_software_demonstration.pptx.pdf |Green coding energy measurements}}
 ===== Technology stack ===== ===== Technology stack =====
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 ====== Groups and their TEAM WikiPages ====== ====== Groups and their TEAM WikiPages ======
 ^ Group ^ Application ^ Name 1 ^ Name 2 ^ Name 3 ^ Name 4 ^ Name 5 ^ Mentor ^ Name ^ Group ^ Application ^ Name 1 ^ Name 2 ^ Name 3 ^ Name 4 ^ Name 5 ^ Mentor ^ Name
-| [[ixc2024SU:TEAM_1:start|Easy clicks]] |  | Add student name Add student name Add student name |  | | | +| [[ixc2024SU:TEAM_1:start|Easy clicks]] |  | Aura Yusaf Leanne|  | | | 
-| [[ixc2024SU:TEAM_2:start|GBP]] |  | Jack | Irfan | Diva | - |- | | +| [[ixc2024SU:TEAM_2:start|GBP]] |  | Jack | Irfan | Diva | - |- | | 
-| [[ixc2024SU:TEAM_3:start|K.S.I]] |  | Add student name Add student name Add student name |  | | | +| [[ixc2024SU:TEAM_3:start|K.S.I]] |  | Kavi Stephen Irfan |  | | | 
-| [[ixc2024SU:TEAM_4:start|Miners]] |  | Add student name Add student name Add student name |  | | |+| [[ixc2024SU:TEAM_4:start|Miners]] |  | Adam Kar Yan Jeanette |  | | |
 \\ \\
 Add more table lines if those are needed for additional teams! Add more table lines if those are needed for additional teams!
 \\ \\