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ixc2024su:team_2:start [2024/08/20 10:44]
diva [Group Members]
ixc2024su:team_2:start [2024/08/29 12:09] (current)
diva [Group Members]
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 Solution: Quiz Application that educates users on Malaysian culture.  Solution: Quiz Application that educates users on Malaysian culture. 
-{{ :ixc2024su:team_2:brainstorm_sustainability_topics.pdf | Brainstorm Ideas GBP ImpactXChange (20/08/2024)}} +  * {{ :ixc2024su:team_2:brainstorm_sustainability_topics.pdf | Brainstorm Ideas GBP ImpactXChange (20/08/2024)}} 
----- +  {{ :ixc2024su:team_2:gbp_presentation_v1.pdf | GBP Presentation 1 (20/08/2024)}} 
-{{ :ixc2024su:team_2:gbp_presentation_v1.pdf | GBP Presentation 1 (20/08/2024)}}+  * {{ :ixc2024su:team_2:gbp_presentation_v2.pdf | GBP Presentation 2 (22/08/2024)}} 
 +     SUSAF (Click the image below to view) 
 +  * {{:ixc2024su:team_2:gbp_impactxchange_susaf.png?direct&400| GBP SUSAF (23/08/2024)}} 
 +  * {{ :ixc2024su:team_2:impactxchange_final_presentation_-_gbp.pdf | GBP Final Presentation (29/08/2024)}}