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Things to install to N900

Here is a list of things that need to be installed to the n900s to get them working properly:

First you need to enable the maemo-extras devel

Go to App Manager → application catalogues (from the menu bar) → New

And add the following to the catalogue

Install the maemo-connectivity

As you don't have even have x-term installed nor sudo rights, you need to install the connectivity package with the App Manager. So, go to App Manager and search for maemo-pc-connectivity The installation will ask you to set a new root and user passwords, so put something easy for codecamp use, such as lut or codecamp (I would prefer lut, as it is faster to type with the phone's own keyboard) :-D Please, use the same password for both.

And then continue installing the rest (there might be a lot and something still missing from here)

sudo gainroot
apt-get update
apt-get install maemo-python-device-env
# Gstreamer to get camera and other stuff working (like the code snippets) :-P
apt-get install gstreamer0.10-alsa gstreamer0.10-flac
apt-get install python-location