Table of Contents

grp1 - TeamNullPointerException

  1. Oskar Sonninen – 0326770 – LUT
  2. Mikko Kaistinen – 0334791 – LUT
  3. Anssi Salo – 0259245 – LUT


Idea is to creat (very) simple application that can mark your position on a map using GPS. In future you could sync other peoples position to your phone (Not implementing in this session).




15.00-18.00: Making development tools to work. Configuring development tools and phone to accept python.

18.00-00.00: Coding basic GPS functions.

00.00-03.00: uploading image file

03.00-08.00: zzZZzzz

08.00-10.30: implementing drawing primitives (dropped)

10.30-13.59: Implementing location warning and tweaking GPS coordinate conversion

13.59-14.00: Wrinting wiki and slides ;)


Code was done using pymaemo (python designed for maemo that uses gtk for layout management). GPS coordinate conversion to distance was done using formula found from the web.


Priorities: First priority (1), implemented if enough time (2)

Feature Priority Status
GPS coordinates1Done
Converting GPS coordinates to metric format1Done
Warning of closing boss1Done
Making a marker to map based on coordinates1Dropped
User triggered manual refresh2Dropped
Reading other devices GPS coordinates2will not be implemented at on codecamp



Awesome map

Source code


● Maemo didn't have good python libraries to draw image layers.

● Layout was quite tricky to make (still not what we wanted).

● GPS was hard to debug because connetions to satellites can't be made inside. Maemo Xephyr couldn't emulate GPS easily.

● Scratchbox wasn't all too useful. It broke down once and Xephyr can't be rebooted without using command-line.

● Python hugely fastened development.