Poster Guidelines

Perccom students from the cohort 5 will display their posters permanently in the Piano Galleria Hall from Monday to Friday. Please note that posters must be secured with tape (which will be provided). Poster presents are asked to be near their posters during the coffee breaks. Each poster presenter will be given 5 minutes on friday 15.6 13:00-14:30 at room 7332.1-2 to give a quick recap about his/her work (We advise to all cohort 5 students to merge their slides into a joint presentation so that this time is used efficiently).

The aim of every single way you present your work is to connect with people who can help you improve your work and might be interested to build on what you do – and, with luck, to work with you in future. At the master stage of your career, this can mean showcasing your work (and yourself) to people with potential opportunities, internships, work on funded projects, or academic employment.


Note: This template can be changed. The main thing to keep are the logos (LUT, Perccom and your thesis host university). This file only helps you with the size for the poster.

Printing your poster

Note: Make sure to ask Grano if they can deliver your posters to LUT directly.

Important Notes:


- Preparing a poster:

- Practicing for presentation:

- Poster presentation: