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cc_wiki_update [Current Code Camps]
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 ======= Current Code Camps ======= ======= Current Code Camps =======
-//2019 Code Camps://+//Year 2020 on going / in evaluation process Code Camps://
 | **Week** | **Date** | **Topic** | **Course ID (cr)** | **More information** | | **Week** | **Date** | **Topic** | **Course ID (cr)** | **More information** |
-| Week 39 25.09.2019  | TechRace | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (1 ECTS ) | TechRace is a preparation innovation and competition event for the Junction international hackathon event series. \\ LUT students who participate to the TechRace event 2019 at LUT are also alloved to apply to this Code Camp. \\ In In this course, students will do short reflective work on short hackathons, comparing related literature into the tehcrace event experience to receive the course credit\\ To enroll to the course, please contact happonen AT | +| Week 38-40 14.09. Intro lecture + preparation for the course. 05.10.2020 final result presentation afternoon EduHack with Eficode DevOps(Sec) and education development \\ | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (ECTS ) | Student participates to the course in 2-3 person teams[[https:// |Course intro slides here]]. Course credits will be given based on participation, presentations and report \\ \\ To get the creditsteam self-studies DevOps(Sec) teaching / learning optionsconsidered the expert lectures given by Eficode and prepares an presentation and report based on experience on hacking your own views for what would be a "best possible DevOps(Seccourse content and learning approach for LUT SWE. \\ \\ Process to follow\\ 1. Send an e-mail to the course teacher to list to the Code Camp course (happonen AT lut dot fi), by 14.09.2020 time 15:59) \\ 2Prepare to participate by the given course timeline \\ 3Do the required presentations and make the final report as a team (report deadline 18.10.2020) \\ 4Short personal reflection will be also required to pass the course and to provide teacher knowledge on how to develop Code Camp / Hackathon events even further. \\ \\ Remember to sign up into the event on time\\ \\ \\ |
-| Week 46 | 11.11. - 17.11.2019  Junction  | CT10A7041 Code Camp (3 ECTS | Junction is an international hackathon organized annually in Helsinki, Finland \\ LUT students who have been approved to Junction 2019 event can apply to this Code Camp. \\ In In this course, students start by studying junction like events, to build up a strategy on how to achieve better results in the actual event. After the background work, students shall participation into the junction 2019 event and build reflective document from the event. Finally, reporting of background studies and event time and after the event learnings and experiences of the event will be needed to pass the course and to get the credits. \\To enroll to the course, please contact happonen AT +
-| Week 1-2 | 2.1. - 12.1.2020  | React.js, UX & Software design | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 / 6 ECTS) | LUT Software Engineering Masters programme with Visma offers special change to learn React.js, UX / Usability concepts and Software design ideologies (   \\  Course includes 2-3 days of lecture series (note! React lectures might be given in  **FINNISH!**) \\  Apply before 28.12.2019send an e-mail to happonen AT (your namee-mail address and student number) to join. \\ Code Camp program will include previously mentioned 2-3 days of lectures and concept presentation day. As a bonus, if possible for react.js specialist a code review session will be offered for course participants. Final results presentation will be most likely on 3rd study week and course includes report to write to pass selected 4 or 6ECTS version (6ECTS version includes extra studies and improvement work to Code Camp time results) \\ Overview content of react.js lectures and exercises: React + React Native & Redux. Including: ideologies & ways to think, technical basics & components, "best practices", React router, Redux (action, reducer, store, dispatch), Async model(s) and of course workshop learning examples! \\ For this course, prepare yourself with your own computer (laptop) and NodeJs installation (6+ version should be ok, but old is not gold in this case).\\  | +
-| Week 5 | 31.1. - 02.2.2020 | Global Game Jam \\ [[:fgj2020:|FGJ CodeCamp 2020 pages]] | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 ECTS) | Participate to the Lappeenranta event of the [[|Finnish Game Jam!]] You get the credits by 1. Signing up to the event following the event instructions 2. Send e-mail to course teacher that you want to participate into the FGJ 2020 Code Camp (happonen AT lut dot fi), by  25.1.2020 time 23.59) 3Participate to the event full time 4Prepare your project presentation and required course documents and return them by the set deadline, 5[[|Do follow the 2020 instructions (link to 2018 instructions at the moment to give rough sense on what to excpect]] of all the needed course parts to get the 4 credits. \\  Remember to sign up to the FGJ event before all places are reserved! |+
 \\  \\ 
 +============== Past Code Camps ==============
 +//Already past Code Camps in Year 2020://
 +| Week 1-2 | 7.1. - 17.1.2020  | React.js, UX & Software design | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 / 6 ECTS) | LUT Software Engineering Masters programme with Visma offers special change to learn React.js, UX / Usability concepts and Software design ideologies (  \\  Course includes 3 lectures in different days (note! At least the react lectures might be given in  **FINNISH!**) \\  Apply before 6.01.2020, **send an e-mail to happonen AT (your name, e-mail address and student number) to join.** \\ Code Camp program will include previously mentioned 2-3 days of lectures and concept presentation day. As a bonus, if possible for react.js specialist a code review session will be offered for course participants. Final results presentation is designed to be on 24.01.2020 Friday. Course includes a report to write to pass 4ECTS version (6ECTS version includes extra self studies agreed with the teacher) \\ Overview content of react.js lectures and exercises: React + React Native & Redux. Including: ideologies & ways to think, technical basics & components, "best practices", React router, Redux (action, reducer, store, dispatch), Async model(s) and of course workshop learning examples! \\ For this course, prepare yourself with your own computer (laptop) and NodeJs installation (6+ version should be ok, but old is not gold in this case).\\ \\ Time Table: \\ 7.1. klo 9.00 UX & service design  ( 9 to 12 at Room 1326 and for afternoon time 12 - 16 at room 7443 ) \\ 9.1. klo 15.00 - 17.00 CEO lecture on Software business & applications at room 1316  \\ 10.1. klo 9.00 React.js - lectures at 7343.1 + 7343.2  \\ 17.1. klo 13.00-15.00 Bonus option for Code review at 1443  \\ 24.1. klo 13.00-15.00 Results presentation at 1443  \\ \\ For the course project, students shall form 2 to 4 people groups. The end results size and level of details are expected to reflect directly with the team size. 3 people groups are highly suggested by the teacher. \\  Promised link for Visma summer positions :)  \\ | 
 +| Week 5 | 31.1. - 02.2.2020 | Global Game Jam \\ [[:fgj2020:|FGJ CodeCamp 2020 pages]] | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 ECTS / 6 ECTS) | Participate to the Lappeenranta event of the [[|Finnish Game Jam!]] You get the credits by \\ 1. Signing up to the event following the event instructions \\  2. Send e-mail to course teacher that you want to participate into the FGJ 2020 Code Camp (happonen AT lut dot fi), by  30.1.2020 time 23.59) \\ 3. Participate to the event full time  \\ 4. Prepare your project presentation and required course documents and return them by the set deadline,  \\ 5. [[| Link to 2020 FGJ instructions]] of all the needed course parts to get the 4 credits. \\ Those of you, who would like to extended the course to 6 ECTS length, contact the teacher for the extended game industry related research packet. \\ \\ Remember to sign up to the FGJ event before all places are reserved! | 
 +| Week 15 | 9.4. - 12.4.2020 | Global Hack - Fighting a Global Crisis\\ [[:GHCorona2020:|Global Hack Corona 2020 team solution pages]] | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 ECTS / 6 ECTS) | Participate to the Global event [[|Fighting a Global Crisis!]] and follow the course instructions to get the credits :-) \\ \\ To get your project to pass as code camp course solution, it should be somehow connected to digitalization, process optimization, management systems, data bases and big data analysis, technology and ICT, software, cloud solutions, (automated)data analysis, information transfer and/or sharing, edge computing etc. etc. If you are unsure, just contact the teacher for clarifications. \\ \\ Process to follow: \\ 1. Signing up into the Fighting a Global Crisis event and follow the online Hack events instructions \\  2. Send an e-mail to the course teacher that you want to also get the code camp course credits (happonen AT lut dot fi), by 08.04.2020 time 23:59) \\ 3. Do your full participation to Global Hack - Fighting a Global Crisis event  \\ 4. Prepare your project presentation (video / PP slideshow recording etc.) and make short web page / wiki page about your team solution by the set deadline (end of day 20.04.2020),  \\ 5. [[| Link to 2020 Global hack CC reporting instructions]] and write short personal reflection work (deadline for this report part is end of day 27.04.2020) about your participation to get the 4 credits. \\ Those of you, who would like to extended the course to 6 ECTS length, contact the teacher for agreement of extension requirements. \\ \\ Remember to sign up into the event on time! \\ \\ \\ Just to have a bit of context understanding, what we are facing here, take a look into this data based YouTube video of [[|Coronavirus vs. Every 2000s Epidemic]] \\ For information sharing example, you can take a look the YouTube [[|Coronavirus Pandemic Real Time Counter live video]] (and also read the description of it's data sources)| 
 +| Week 22 | 25-29.05 (Keynote lectures) & 30.5. - 31.5.2020 (main event) | #HackBack hackathon - A hackathon to help support SMEs and Startups\\ | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS ) | Participate to the #HackBack hackathon event [[|to support SMEs and Startups during the Covid crisis recovery]] and follow the course instructions (how to report your learnings) to get the credits :-) \\ \\ To get your Hackathon participation to pass as code camp course solution, it should be connected to digitalization, process optimization, management systems, data bases, digital transformation, new software services, big data analysis, technology and ICT, wireless & mobile communication in 2020 (4G vs. 5G), SaaS, cloud solutions, (automated)data analysis, information transfer and/or sharing, edge computing, data security in remote services etc. etc. If unsure, just contact the teacher for clarifications. \\ \\ Process to follow: \\ 1. Signing up into the event itself and follow the events instructions \\  2. Send an e-mail to the course teacher to list to the Code Camp course (happonen AT lut dot fi), by 25.05.2020 time 23:59) \\ 3. Do your full participation to the event  \\ 4. Prepare your short team project presentation (video / PP slideshow recording etc.) by the set deadline (end of day 07.06.2020),  \\ 5. [[| Link to 2020 HackBack hackathon CC course instructions]] and write short personal reflection report fro this course (deadline for report is end of day 14.06.2020) to receive the 3 credits. \\ \\ Remember to sign up into the event on time! \\ \\ \\ | 
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-============== Past Code Camps ============== 
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 | Week 21 | 20.5. - 24.05.2019 | LTKY 50v development challenge Code Camp | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS) | You can participate into the course in Lappeenranta and in Lahti. The course will start on Monday 20.05.2019 around midday. You shall receive the credits by taking part to building the demonstration application solution to solve the LTKY 50years challenge (inc. participating to start session), by giving the middle course and end of the course presentations and by writing short final results & reflection report. For more detailed information about the challenge itself, look into the [[|LTKY Challenge webpages]]. To participate into this course, please use the following form to register (deadline extended to 17.5.2019, time 23:55) into the course: . For detailed calculation about the 3ECTS course credits, please see the PDF document about ([[|LTKY 50y challenge course instructions]]). Short promotional details about the event, look at ([[|LTYK 50y challenge in brief]]) document. For events inside the course, please look at the ([[|LTYK 50y challenge week agenda / timetable]]) \\  \\  The challenge is build around the history data of skinnarila areas, skinnarila spirit and ideology of preserving the star moments of "Teekkari culture". | | Week 21 | 20.5. - 24.05.2019 | LTKY 50v development challenge Code Camp | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS) | You can participate into the course in Lappeenranta and in Lahti. The course will start on Monday 20.05.2019 around midday. You shall receive the credits by taking part to building the demonstration application solution to solve the LTKY 50years challenge (inc. participating to start session), by giving the middle course and end of the course presentations and by writing short final results & reflection report. For more detailed information about the challenge itself, look into the [[|LTKY Challenge webpages]]. To participate into this course, please use the following form to register (deadline extended to 17.5.2019, time 23:55) into the course: . For detailed calculation about the 3ECTS course credits, please see the PDF document about ([[|LTKY 50y challenge course instructions]]). Short promotional details about the event, look at ([[|LTYK 50y challenge in brief]]) document. For events inside the course, please look at the ([[|LTYK 50y challenge week agenda / timetable]]) \\  \\  The challenge is build around the history data of skinnarila areas, skinnarila spirit and ideology of preserving the star moments of "Teekkari culture". |
 | Week 22-24 | 01.06. - 14.06.2019 | EnerKey case challenge Hackathon | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS / 6ECTS) | Event build around 3 cities (LUT Lappeenranta, Lahti and Kuopio). Participate into the course in any of these locations. Course starts on Saturday afternoon 01.06.2019 with hack challenge presentation for 6ECTS course participants. All other course related meeting times are after 16:00 in afternoon / evening time or in weekends (winning team have 30min slot on last Friday to present the solution between 11:00 to 12:00) \\ \\ ([[|Tentative course timetable]]) \\ \\ \\ Hacking is **HIGHLY recommended** to happen in 2 to 4 people teams, BUT if requested, single person "teams" will be allowed. Please do note, the requirement of generating results is same for all team sizes, the team size does of course affect a little bit on expectation of how versatile the proposed solution is :-) \\ \\  HOW TO GET THE CREDICTS? \\  * Team member present on solution presentations \\  * if team wins, participate to end presentation and \\  * produce short personal course reflection document.  \\ * Your team project presentation Power Points etc. will work as group result documentation \\ \\  \\ EnerKey will be providing us with their case presentation, challenge setting, mid course hints & support comments and most likely evening time distance support "service" for all course participants. \\  \\ General promotion document: the [[|EnerKey hackathon one pager]] \\ \\ **To register in to the course** (deadline for **3ECTS** course registration is 07.6.2019, time 23:55): ([[|*Click here*]]) \\ \\ 3ECTS (8-14.06.2019) course participants make one solution (e.g. business related data visualization) \\ 6ECTS 1-14.06.2019 participants produce two different solutions inside given hack focus areas \\ \\ 8.6.2019 Saturday is special day with mid-course presentations AND possibility for 3ECTS participants to join to 6ECTS group to work in the second focus area the 6ECTS teams have left OR 3ECTS course participants can make their own group and build their own solution. \\ \\ Some nice sauna events etc. extra curricula activities have been promised by the company and a winning teams shall have rewards too! \\ \\ | | Week 22-24 | 01.06. - 14.06.2019 | EnerKey case challenge Hackathon | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS / 6ECTS) | Event build around 3 cities (LUT Lappeenranta, Lahti and Kuopio). Participate into the course in any of these locations. Course starts on Saturday afternoon 01.06.2019 with hack challenge presentation for 6ECTS course participants. All other course related meeting times are after 16:00 in afternoon / evening time or in weekends (winning team have 30min slot on last Friday to present the solution between 11:00 to 12:00) \\ \\ ([[|Tentative course timetable]]) \\ \\ \\ Hacking is **HIGHLY recommended** to happen in 2 to 4 people teams, BUT if requested, single person "teams" will be allowed. Please do note, the requirement of generating results is same for all team sizes, the team size does of course affect a little bit on expectation of how versatile the proposed solution is :-) \\ \\  HOW TO GET THE CREDICTS? \\  * Team member present on solution presentations \\  * if team wins, participate to end presentation and \\  * produce short personal course reflection document.  \\ * Your team project presentation Power Points etc. will work as group result documentation \\ \\  \\ EnerKey will be providing us with their case presentation, challenge setting, mid course hints & support comments and most likely evening time distance support "service" for all course participants. \\  \\ General promotion document: the [[|EnerKey hackathon one pager]] \\ \\ **To register in to the course** (deadline for **3ECTS** course registration is 07.6.2019, time 23:55): ([[|*Click here*]]) \\ \\ 3ECTS (8-14.06.2019) course participants make one solution (e.g. business related data visualization) \\ 6ECTS 1-14.06.2019 participants produce two different solutions inside given hack focus areas \\ \\ 8.6.2019 Saturday is special day with mid-course presentations AND possibility for 3ECTS participants to join to 6ECTS group to work in the second focus area the 6ECTS teams have left OR 3ECTS course participants can make their own group and build their own solution. \\ \\ Some nice sauna events etc. extra curricula activities have been promised by the company and a winning teams shall have rewards too! \\ \\ |
 +| Week 39 | 25.09.2019  | TechRace | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (1 ECTS ) | TechRace is a preparation innovation and competition event for the Junction international hackathon event series. \\ LUT students who participate to the TechRace event 2019 at LUT are also alloved to apply to this Code Camp. \\ In In this course, students will do short reflective work on short hackathons, comparing related literature into the tehcrace event experience to receive the course credit. \\ To enroll to the course, please contact happonen AT |
 +| Week 46 | 11.11. - 17.11.2019  | Junction  | CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS ) | Junction is an international hackathon organized annually in Helsinki, Finland \\ LUT students who have been approved to Junction 2019 event can apply to this Code Camp. \\ In In this course, students start by studying junction like events, to build up a strategy on how to achieve better results in the actual event. After the background work, students shall participation into the junction 2019 event and build reflective document from the event. Finally, reporting of background studies and event time and after the event learnings and experiences of the event will be needed to pass the course and to get the credits. \\To enroll to the course, please contact happonen AT  |