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start [2024/05/20 10:18]
trappis [Current & Upcoming Code Camps, Hackathons and Intensive Innovation Events]
start [2024/08/18 06:17] (current)
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 | **Week** | **Date** | **Topic** | **Course ID (cr)** | **More information** | | **Week** | **Date** | **Topic** | **Course ID (cr)** | **More information** |
 +| Week 34-35  | 19.8.-30.8.2024 | ImpactXchange hack in Malaysia [[:iXc2024SU:|wikipages]]| **Event is held on-site at Sunway University campus**  | This Hack is a part of ImpactXchange project activities conducted by LUT University in close collaboration with Sunway University and Turku University. |
 | Week 1 | 03.01.2024 & 4.1.2024 -> (22.01.2024) | React.JS, UX & Software design + Figma| CT10A7070 - Hackathons and CT10A8050 - Hacks for bachelors  (4 / 6 ECTS). Course is available for both the bachelor and master level students \\ \\ **On site at Lappeenranta campus and streamed to OnLine for remote participation**  | LUT Software Engineering programme with Twoday (Visma) offers excellent intensive learning opportunity to get familiar and learn industrial way to work with React.js, UX / Usability concepts and Software design ideologies (  \\ \\ Course includes 2 intensive lecture, example and small practical assigment task days (around 6h(ish) session each, inc. coffee and lunch break(s)) + mid process results presenting session(s) + Code review session and one separate final results presenting session in three different days (The course is given in English, but I still ask the language (Fin and Eng) in registration)  \\  Apply no later than by end of day 02.Jan.2024, **send an e-mail to teacher in charge   happonen AT   (in the e-mail, remember to tell your study level (master/bachelor), your name, e-mail address, student number and note do you have already a team or are you registering alone) to join.** \\ \\ \\ Is English / Finnish / both lang. lectures ok?  \\ Name: \\ e-mail: \\ Student number: \\ Master/Bachelor level: \\ Your major study area at LUT:  \\ \\ \\ Code Camp program will include previously mentioned separate days of lectures and concept presentation day. As a bonus, our react specialist is freeing his calendar, for a code review and development commenting session for course participants. Final results presentation is planned to happen on 22.01.2024 (starting 16:00). In the start of the course, a group of students work together to make a short preliminary project idea(s) presentation (instructions to be given by the teacher). For the 4 ECTS course version, one report is required from the team. Those students who want to get the full 6ECTS, teacher will indicate a set of extra studies and personal tasks packet. \\ Overview content of React related lectures and exercises: React + React Native, also in UI side Figma will be presented too. Including: ideologies & ways to think, technical basics & components, "best practices" and of course workshop learning examples! \\ \\ For this course, **prepare yourself with your own computer (laptop), take a look to GIT & how to work with reposotories ( ) and make NodeJs installation (18+ version should be ok. Version 20 seems to be newest right now, more details from:** \\ \\ Time Table: \\ 3.1.2024 time (~9:30 food) 10.00 UX & service design lectures at 1316 \\ 4.1.2024 time (9:30 morning snack) 10:00 React.js - lecture + example project at room 1316  \\ 5.1.2024 time 14:00-16:00 project ideas presentation & feedback session (OnLine) \\ 12.1.2024 between 14:00-17:00 project progress presentations \\ 15.1.2024 Code review opportunity (time is open still for this one)  \\ 22.1.2024 (time 16-18) Results presentation "dragons den" OnLine session  \\ \\ For the course project, students shall form 2 to 4 persons teams (3-4 highly recommended). The end results size and level of details are expected to reflect directly to the team size students form together. In History, three person teams have usually been most efficient in time management. \\ \\ Link to check the current status of the job positions / summer jobs / trainee etc. opportunities in Twoday:   \\ \\   \\ | | Week 1 | 03.01.2024 & 4.1.2024 -> (22.01.2024) | React.JS, UX & Software design + Figma| CT10A7070 - Hackathons and CT10A8050 - Hacks for bachelors  (4 / 6 ECTS). Course is available for both the bachelor and master level students \\ \\ **On site at Lappeenranta campus and streamed to OnLine for remote participation**  | LUT Software Engineering programme with Twoday (Visma) offers excellent intensive learning opportunity to get familiar and learn industrial way to work with React.js, UX / Usability concepts and Software design ideologies (  \\ \\ Course includes 2 intensive lecture, example and small practical assigment task days (around 6h(ish) session each, inc. coffee and lunch break(s)) + mid process results presenting session(s) + Code review session and one separate final results presenting session in three different days (The course is given in English, but I still ask the language (Fin and Eng) in registration)  \\  Apply no later than by end of day 02.Jan.2024, **send an e-mail to teacher in charge   happonen AT   (in the e-mail, remember to tell your study level (master/bachelor), your name, e-mail address, student number and note do you have already a team or are you registering alone) to join.** \\ \\ \\ Is English / Finnish / both lang. lectures ok?  \\ Name: \\ e-mail: \\ Student number: \\ Master/Bachelor level: \\ Your major study area at LUT:  \\ \\ \\ Code Camp program will include previously mentioned separate days of lectures and concept presentation day. As a bonus, our react specialist is freeing his calendar, for a code review and development commenting session for course participants. Final results presentation is planned to happen on 22.01.2024 (starting 16:00). In the start of the course, a group of students work together to make a short preliminary project idea(s) presentation (instructions to be given by the teacher). For the 4 ECTS course version, one report is required from the team. Those students who want to get the full 6ECTS, teacher will indicate a set of extra studies and personal tasks packet. \\ Overview content of React related lectures and exercises: React + React Native, also in UI side Figma will be presented too. Including: ideologies & ways to think, technical basics & components, "best practices" and of course workshop learning examples! \\ \\ For this course, **prepare yourself with your own computer (laptop), take a look to GIT & how to work with reposotories ( ) and make NodeJs installation (18+ version should be ok. Version 20 seems to be newest right now, more details from:** \\ \\ Time Table: \\ 3.1.2024 time (~9:30 food) 10.00 UX & service design lectures at 1316 \\ 4.1.2024 time (9:30 morning snack) 10:00 React.js - lecture + example project at room 1316  \\ 5.1.2024 time 14:00-16:00 project ideas presentation & feedback session (OnLine) \\ 12.1.2024 between 14:00-17:00 project progress presentations \\ 15.1.2024 Code review opportunity (time is open still for this one)  \\ 22.1.2024 (time 16-18) Results presentation "dragons den" OnLine session  \\ \\ For the course project, students shall form 2 to 4 persons teams (3-4 highly recommended). The end results size and level of details are expected to reflect directly to the team size students form together. In History, three person teams have usually been most efficient in time management. \\ \\ Link to check the current status of the job positions / summer jobs / trainee etc. opportunities in Twoday:   \\ \\   \\ |
 | Week 4 | 26.1. - 28.1.2024 | Global Game Jam -- [[:fgj2024:|FGJ CodeCamp 2024 projects wikipages]]| CT10A7070 - Hackathons and CT10A8050 - Hacks for bachelors (3 ECTS / 6 ECTS) | Participate to the Lappeenranta [[|2024 Finnish Game Jam Lappeenranta event!]] or Lahti [[|2024 Finnish Game Jam Lahti event!]] event. You get the credits (Grading is Pass/Fail) by \\ 1. Signing up to the FGJ event by following the event specific instructions \\  2. Send e-mail to register to the course for course TA that you want to participate into the FGJ 2024 Code Camp with intention to get the course ECTS (lisa.tereshchenko AT lut dot fi), by 24.01.2024 before end of the day ) \\ 3. Participate to the FGJ event full time  \\ 4. After the event, you shall get the access (here) to the project and course related reporting instructions (remember to return them by the set deadline),  \\ 5. [[| Link to 2024 FGJ instructions]] for all the required reporting needs to be able to get the 3 credits. \\ \\ \\ Those of you, who would like to extend the course to 6 ECTS length, contact the teacher for the year specific game industry and research related extra work packet. \\ \\ Remember to sign up to the FGJ event before all places are reserved!  \\  \\  When you send the Code Camp registration info e-mail to the teacher, remember to include following info, **send an e-mail to lisa.tereshchenko AT (your University/School, Your study level (master/bachelor), your full name, your school specific e-mail address, student number and note do you have a team or are you registering alone) to join to the event.** \\ \\ Your name: \\ Your school: \\ School e-mail: \\ Student number (with zeros): \\ Master/Bachelor level: \\ Your major study focus area:  \\ City for FGJ participation:  \\ \\ | | Week 4 | 26.1. - 28.1.2024 | Global Game Jam -- [[:fgj2024:|FGJ CodeCamp 2024 projects wikipages]]| CT10A7070 - Hackathons and CT10A8050 - Hacks for bachelors (3 ECTS / 6 ECTS) | Participate to the Lappeenranta [[|2024 Finnish Game Jam Lappeenranta event!]] or Lahti [[|2024 Finnish Game Jam Lahti event!]] event. You get the credits (Grading is Pass/Fail) by \\ 1. Signing up to the FGJ event by following the event specific instructions \\  2. Send e-mail to register to the course for course TA that you want to participate into the FGJ 2024 Code Camp with intention to get the course ECTS (lisa.tereshchenko AT lut dot fi), by 24.01.2024 before end of the day ) \\ 3. Participate to the FGJ event full time  \\ 4. After the event, you shall get the access (here) to the project and course related reporting instructions (remember to return them by the set deadline),  \\ 5. [[| Link to 2024 FGJ instructions]] for all the required reporting needs to be able to get the 3 credits. \\ \\ \\ Those of you, who would like to extend the course to 6 ECTS length, contact the teacher for the year specific game industry and research related extra work packet. \\ \\ Remember to sign up to the FGJ event before all places are reserved!  \\  \\  When you send the Code Camp registration info e-mail to the teacher, remember to include following info, **send an e-mail to lisa.tereshchenko AT (your University/School, Your study level (master/bachelor), your full name, your school specific e-mail address, student number and note do you have a team or are you registering alone) to join to the event.** \\ \\ Your name: \\ Your school: \\ School e-mail: \\ Student number (with zeros): \\ Master/Bachelor level: \\ Your major study focus area:  \\ City for FGJ participation:  \\ \\ |
 | Week Spring 2024?  | Assumed spring 2024 | CGI & Lähitapiola case| CT10A7041 - Code Camp and CT10A8000 - Code Camp (4 ECTS (can be 6ECTS, if combined to the Low Code hack). Course is available for both the bachelor (suggested for 2nd year students and up) and master level students \\ \\ **Parts of the events possibly available on site at Lappeenranta campus and everything is streamed to OnLine/Hybrid mode participation**  | LUT SWE programme offers this special hackathon in collaboration with CGI ( ). Case changes yearly basis, this specific event is connected to Lähitapiola ( )   \\ \\ Course includes opening session, self studies, extra curricula event(s), mockup presentations, competition prices etc. + separate final results presenting session (course is to be given in English \\ Latest time to apply, by end of day XXX.tttt (Prefer to have early registrationsto reserve enough food & drinks to sauna event), **send an e-mail to teacher in charge   happonen AT   (and in the registration e-mail, remember to tell your study level (master/bachelor), your name, your e-mail address, student number and tell me do you have already a team member(s) in mind).** \\ \\ \\ \\ Hack event you are registering: \\ Your Full Name: \\ e-mail: \\ Student number: \\ Your school: e.g. LUT / LENS \\ Master/Bachelor level: \\ Your major study focus area at your school:  \\ Your minor studies area: \\ Participation in Hybrid or Full Online mode:  \\ \\ \\ As a course bonus, if additional resources admit CGI and/or Lähitapiola to offer extra special sessions to the event, these will be informed as soon as they have been set to stone. Final results presentation is on XXX.tttt. In the start of the course, a group of students work together to make a short preliminary project idea(s) presentation (instructions to be given by the teacher). For the 4 ECTS, a short report is required from the team. Those students who want to extend to full 6ECTS, team will agree on for specific extra work packet.  \\ \\ For this course, **prepare yourself instructive message will be send on the event week** \\ \\ \\ **Time Table:** \\   \\ \\ \\ For the course project, students form 2-4 persons teams (3 person teams highly recommended). The end results size and level of details are expected to reflect directly to the team size. \\ \\ | | Week Spring 2024?  | Assumed spring 2024 | CGI & Lähitapiola case| CT10A7041 - Code Camp and CT10A8000 - Code Camp (4 ECTS (can be 6ECTS, if combined to the Low Code hack). Course is available for both the bachelor (suggested for 2nd year students and up) and master level students \\ \\ **Parts of the events possibly available on site at Lappeenranta campus and everything is streamed to OnLine/Hybrid mode participation**  | LUT SWE programme offers this special hackathon in collaboration with CGI ( ). Case changes yearly basis, this specific event is connected to Lähitapiola ( )   \\ \\ Course includes opening session, self studies, extra curricula event(s), mockup presentations, competition prices etc. + separate final results presenting session (course is to be given in English \\ Latest time to apply, by end of day XXX.tttt (Prefer to have early registrationsto reserve enough food & drinks to sauna event), **send an e-mail to teacher in charge   happonen AT   (and in the registration e-mail, remember to tell your study level (master/bachelor), your name, your e-mail address, student number and tell me do you have already a team member(s) in mind).** \\ \\ \\ \\ Hack event you are registering: \\ Your Full Name: \\ e-mail: \\ Student number: \\ Your school: e.g. LUT / LENS \\ Master/Bachelor level: \\ Your major study focus area at your school:  \\ Your minor studies area: \\ Participation in Hybrid or Full Online mode:  \\ \\ \\ As a course bonus, if additional resources admit CGI and/or Lähitapiola to offer extra special sessions to the event, these will be informed as soon as they have been set to stone. Final results presentation is on XXX.tttt. In the start of the course, a group of students work together to make a short preliminary project idea(s) presentation (instructions to be given by the teacher). For the 4 ECTS, a short report is required from the team. Those students who want to extend to full 6ECTS, team will agree on for specific extra work packet.  \\ \\ For this course, **prepare yourself instructive message will be send on the event week** \\ \\ \\ **Time Table:** \\   \\ \\ \\ For the course project, students form 2-4 persons teams (3 person teams highly recommended). The end results size and level of details are expected to reflect directly to the team size. \\ \\ |
-| 20.5.-28.5.2024  | ? | ImpactXchange hack| CT10A7041.  \\ \\ **on site at Lappeenranta campus**  | SE4GD programme offers this course planning and validation hackathon as a part of ImpactXchange project in collaboration with Sunway University and Turku University.  \\ \\ .. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\  \\ \\ | +| Week 21-22  | 20.5.-28.5.2024 | ImpactXchange hack [[:iXc2024:|ImpactsXchange wikipages]]|  3 credits will be given for successful participation in the event \\ **Event is held on-site at Lappeenranta campus**  | SE4GD program offers this course planning and validation hackathon as a part of the ImpactXchange project in collaboration with Sunway University and Turku University. |