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android2012:grp9:start [2012/07/08 13:27]
android2012:grp9:start [2012/07/08 14:07]
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-this team was cancelled as kellia left the group , so me ihab maged and michael louis joined other two teams as our project wasnt that easy to be done by two only+Team members : 
 +Michael Louis  
 +Ihab Maged 
 +this first idea was cancelled as kellia left the group , so me ihab maged and michael louis joined created another game called kill them all , the idea that you have good people and bad people and bombs , you have to kill all the bad peaple . you must avoid bombs as it kill every one arround it. 
 +ScreenShot : 
 +And when you kill them a blood spot is created ;D 