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Code Camp

Code Camp is a learning and hacking experience. The code camp approach can be defined as a collaborative learning setting that aims to promote profession-oriented skills. In code camp, the term camp refers to a situation where students assemble and stay a while together. The term code refers to coding, i.e. writing computer programs. During a code camp, students write programs together, solve problems related to their work together, eat together and even might relax together in a sauna.

Even though the primary objective of the code camp approach is to enable the learning of programming, learning design and creativity skills as well as evaluation and analysis skills is present in the learning outcomes. The time spent intensively together gives the opportunity to work on ideas and promotes the possibility (and the need) to interact with other people working in the same situation/place. By emphasizing the social aspects, e.g. the code camp spirit, learning can be done in a more meaningful way. The grading system for code camps promotes both the characteristics of collaborative learning and the code camp spirit.

Publications On Code Camps

Jari Porras, Kari Heikkinen, Jouni Ikonen: Code camp a Setting for Collaborative learning of Programming. Advanced Technology for Learning (ATL) International Journal, Special Issue on Technology for Collaborative Learning. Vol 4, No. 1, 2007, ACTA press. pp. 43-52. ISSN 1710-2251.

Heikkinen, Kari & Porras, Jari & Ikonen, Jouni & Hämäläinen, Harri: Emphasizing Group Work In Code Camp Process, Journal of Education, Informatics and Cybernetics, 2008, vol. Vol.1, nro. 2, p. 7s, ISSN 1943-7978. Local copy: emphasizing_group_work_in_code_camp_process_2008_citation.pdf

Jari Porras, Kari Heikkinen, Jouni Ikonen: Teaching .NET Programming with Code Camp Approach. The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics. (The 6th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications), June 29th July 2nd 2008. Vol. 3., pp. 34-39. ISBN 1-934272-48-5.

Jari Porras, Jouni Ikonen, Kari Heikkinen, Kimmo Koskinen, Leena Ikonen: Better programming skills through Code Camp approach, 16th EAEEIE Annual Conference on Innovation in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE'05), 6th -8th June, 2005, Lappeenranta, Finland.