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grp1:start [2015/08/08 18:13]
kalle [Functionalities]
grp1:start [2015/08/09 10:30]
kalle [Technologies]
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 ===== Idea ===== ===== Idea =====
-Yes.+We wanted to make something cool with wearable sensors, but it turned out to be too difficult and then we decided to do this instead
 ===== Motivation===== ===== Motivation=====
-Yes.+Everybody knows it's fun to use cardboard boxes to scare people.
 ===== Technologies ===== ===== Technologies =====
-   +  * Raspberry Pi v1 B 
-===== User interface =====+  * Tower Pro 9g servo 
 +  * HC-09 ultrasonic sensor measuring distance 
 +  * Cardboard box 
 +  * World class Python and Bash scripts 
 +  * Lots of sweat and tears 
 +  * Lost of appetite
 +===== User interface =====
 +You don't need a user interface when you have a talking Duke Nukem.
 ===== Functionalities ===== ===== Functionalities =====
-head speaks when someone is close+When someone comes too close (less than 1 meter (3 feet 3.37 inches)) Cardboard-Duke shouts randomly one of 11 shouts and his mouth moves while he talks. There is a delay of 8 seconds to prevent him from shouting all the time when someone is close.
 ===== Issues  ===== ===== Issues  =====
-  * There will not be any issues, everything will work as expected.+We had issues with our first planTrack Activities Pro 2000 because we couldn't get the needed pieces together. 
 +Cardboard Duke was co-operative the whole time, no reported issues with it.