Group 4 - GreenInn - Smart Hotel Concept

Full name Student number
Anastasiia Grishina 0528718
Jose Mauricio Perdomo Zelaya 0528912
Florian Akos Szabo 0528983
Ijlal Ahmed Niazi 0528886



Hotels consume large amounts of energy which is often wasted, since the facilities are not tuned to the mode of their use. Guests are away from their rooms more than 50% of the time, frequently leaving utilities running in their absence.

Attracting guests by the green image and showing them technologies are there and smart home is feasible.

Reducing energy consumption with high users engagement

Project ideas

Some features of hotel automation are listed here.

Short-term implementation

Implementation of ideas with short-term result comprise concepts which currently exist.

If you cannot measure it, you cannot control it

High granularity measurements Effect
Food waste Optimize resources supply
Outdoor light brightness Shutter control to save lighting energy
Temperature & humidity Effective climate control with air conditioning
Ventilation power
Energy used by a room Incentivize users to use energy eficiently
Calculate the room price for check-out
Calculate bonuses for guests and translate them into free bar drinks or similar benefits
Translate energy used into CO2 emissions for green audit
Electrical network load Advize users to charge their devices at specific times to avoid peak loads
Water use Calculate the room price for check-out
Automation Effect
Appliances power control: activate the outlets with guests' phones Provide guests with an easy way of managing their power consumption of pluged in devices
Lock/unlock the door with smartphones Guests' comfort & experience, less plastic is consumed if the cards are excluded
Smart elevator recognizing guests' destination Optimize number of lifts and energy use
Automated assistant present for special orders Avoid calling, optimze tasks stored in the system queue
Improved parking Lighting control triggered by motion
Customized lighting quidance for the guest to find their parking lot
Shared hybrid/electric cars Reduce fuel consumption
Facilities activated upon users' presence or query Efficient energy use (gym is powered on, swimming pool is heated only when visitors choose to come mentioning it in the hotel app
Robotization of simple tasks: cleaning, delivery (food, tea set, towels) Reduce use of elevators and extra energy

Long-term implementation (5-10 years)

Long-term results can be achieved upon technological readiness of devices.

Optimization Example Effect
Virtual reality for travelling VR use for quick journeys Reduced carbon footprint, since guests do not use tansportation
Sightseeing with a robot Drone accompanying hotel guests on a walk Customized sightseeing can reduce the travel expenses, including CO2
3D printing of furniture and clothes with the use of biodegradable materials Guests do not have to travel with large luggage, they print clothes instead Reduced cost of travelling
Holographic projection for design purposes Users can change holographic picture projected on their room setting to any pleasant environment (seaside, mountains) Less materials are needed for different room designs
Cisco Meraki equipment for network devices Manage the network of devices with a centralized dashboard Monitoring energy consumption of the whole network, reducing the cost
Systematic green audit Independent parties perform audit on the hotel chain and suggest improvements Optimization of energy consumption
Advanced air sensors Aromatherapy in the room Saving space which was previously used for spa
Adjusting room walls Shaping the suits for number of guests who would like to live together Reduces construction cost

Fancy improvements enhancing guest comfort

* Wearables (bracelets) for guests, which show their mood and reflect their readiness to interact with hotel staff or they want the least interaction possible

* AI holographic image of a fitness trainer right in a guest's room

* Changing the shapes of walls and ceilings, adjust colours, create sofas standing out from walls using a smart wall material

Monetization & Value

* Energy savings & personal bonuses

Bonus: 5 € cents for each kWh saved by a room

10 % savings for an average hotel room = 71 kWh = 3,5 €/h for the greenest guest

Bonuses can be used for hotel payments, drinks, other pleasantries

10% energy

* 3D Printing of the Wardrobe

1 bag 23 kg = 9 kg airplane fuel = 22 € added for a ticket = 5 T-shirts & 1 suite on a 3D printer

* VirtuTravel

10km in a car = 1.37kg CO2


5 hours of HTC Vive = 211g CO2

* Direct Savings: 10% daily energy savings for a 1000 room hotel with room square 15 m2 results in 50 million €/year

* Market Value: Act as advertisers for equipment manufacturers and provide discounts for guests

* Marketing Image: The first “Green Enabler” hotel where guests can control their environmental impact and get incentives for being green

System Architecture


Devices used on the System:

1. FHEM server: DHS with antenna

2. Philips Hue Bridge to connect HUE lights with the FHEM server.

3. Philips Light Huego + LightStrip Plus for signalling

4. HomeMatic Switch Actuators to completely power off appliances

5. Temperature and humidity sensor to trigger ventilation system

Implementation Scenarios:

Scenario 1

Used Devices: Temperature & Humidity Sensor , Philips Hue Iris Light, HomeMatic Switch Actuator (FAN)

Scenario Description

Hotel Automation technology will be present in every room of the hotel. Each bathroom of the hotel will have an automated ventilation system and a temperature and humidity sensor. Moreover, the hotel will possess a control room which will have leds that will represent the current state of each guests’ bathroom. In our case, the Philips Hue Iris Light will represent the led in the control room. If the temperature or humidity surpass a certain threshold, the automated ventilation system will be triggered, and the corresponding change will be triggered to the respective led of the hotel’s control room as well.


First, all the devices must be paired with the FHEM server. ( T&H sensor, HUE lights, wireless switch actuator ). The detailed procedure can be found on the report of this project. The following figure shows the paired devices for our purpose.

Thereafter, you create a generic notification and change the DEF field with the following code. This will create a trigger to activate the system.

        HM_341B72 {
                my $temp = ReadingsVal("HM_341B72","temperature",0);
                my $humi = ReadingsVal("HM_341B72","humidity",0);
                if ($temp > 27 or $humi > 35) {
                      fhem "set HM_3F88A7 on";
                      fhem "set Philips_HUEDevice3 hue 65324";
               } else {
                      fhem "set HM_3F88A7 off";
                      fhem "set Philips_HUEDevice3 hue 37243";

Scenario 2

Used Devices: Philips Hue LightStrip, Three-State Door Sensor ( as a Resource Usage Signaling )

Scenario Description

The hotel automation technology will manage to influence user’s behavior. Sensors and actuators will be embedded throughout the guests’ rooms in the hotel and will be able to provide resource accounting at a user level. Each guest will have a Philips Hue Lightstrip outside of their respective room. These lights will change color depending on the amount of resources , i.e. energy, water, etc…, the guests have used. The light strip will display green, if they maintained an acceptable level of resource consumption, red, if they surpassed their allocated resources for the day. People outside of the hotel will be able to see whether the guests of GreenInn are being resource efficient ( i.e. green ) or not. If the green light is maintained during the whole day, guests will be able to gain “carbon” bonuses that can be exchanged for drinks and food.


The devices’ configuration can be found on the report annexed on this wiki. The procedure is the same as the Philips Iris Hue light.

With the following code you can create a trigger for the outdoor striplights. The first will signal that the guest has an adequate resource consumption.

         HM_30EA82:closed set HUEDevice4 hue 0           

The following code will indicate that the guest has surpassed its allocated resources for the day.

         HM_30EA82:closed set HUEDevice4 hue 19852

EnOcean: A home automation technology


  • Based on Energy Harvesting
  • Motion, Light, Temperature
  • Unordered List ItemUses micro energy converters to power devices
  • Ultra-low Power Management
  • Standby current of order 100 nA
  • Low Power Wireless Communication
  • A signal can be transmitted to a distance of 30 meters indoors with 50 µW


  • Simple radio transmission system
  • Use of Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) modulation to enhance efficiency of amplifiers
  • Use of frequency ranges with highest air time availability
  • 868MHz, 902MHz, 928MHz
  • High data rate of 125kbps
  • Highly reliable communication with very low collision probability
  • Interoperability b/w a variety of devices


  • EnOcean wireless standard developed for interoperability of devices and ratified as international standard ISO/IEC 14543-3-10 in 2012
  • The standard covers 1 - 3 layers of OSI model

EnOcean Alliance

  • A spin-off of Siemens founded in 2001 currently based in Oberhaching
  • To promote the technology an alliance was formed initially by EnOcean, Texas Instruments, Omnio, Sylvania, Masco, and MK Electric
  • The alliance aimed to create an international wireless standard for seamlessly interoperable products
  • Currently with more than 250 members


This list of references contains links to web-pages or documents available online. All links were accessed in the period 10-20, May, 2018.

Already implemented solutions

Room energy efficiency

Food waste metering

Delivery by drone

Future of home automation

Monetization - Hotels energy management & electricity cost

Monetization - Flights

Monetization - 3D Printing

