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Metric Needs improvement Good Excellent References
Understanding of the challenge
Agility No agreements were made on how to work in a team Plans were noted down on what needed to be accomplished each day Plans were noted down on what needed to be accomplished each day; it was clearly communicated what work each team member took upon themselves Trello/Jira
Tools used for design No prototyping technique used Documented prototyping process, paper prototypes (Paper or Balsamiq) with brainstorming sessions and discussions that lead to it Team developed a Figma prototype that showcases the basic flow of the application (+ good req) Figma, Balsamiq,
Tools used for analysis No analysis tools were used Used one tool to measure energy and data efficiency Used multiple tools to measure energy and data efficiency and noted to averages of them
Tools used for (green) coding Used no tools beyond VScode, Netlify, React Used SonarLint or SonarQube (or equivalent) Used SonarLint or SonarQube and WebPack SonarLint, SonarQube, WebPack
Tools used for teamwork No teamwork tools used Used Git(Hub) Used Git(Hub) and Trello/Jira GitHub, Trello, Jira
Sustainable Design decisions
Green UI Design Created a tool in light mode Created a tool in dark mode Created a tool that is in dark mode by default, but can be toggled to light mode
Minimal features design contains unnecessary features and flashy animations that affect negatively users Minimalistic and understandable design (no flashy animations) The flow of the application is simple and understandable with no unnecessary steps and clicks (+ good req)
Accessibility No consideration regarding accessibility Minimalistic design and applies color conventions Minimalistic design, prevents user errors, and applies color conventions
User’s sustainability awareness No prompts for energy-efficient settings or greener choices for end users Some prompts for energy-efficient settings and greener choices Frequent and encouraging prompts for green options with some potential incentives for the end user Checklist for user-centered awareness features- UX design
Green Code
Caching No caching; redundant data fetching Basic caching implemented Advanced caching strategies with high cache hit rates WebPack, React Caching
Content (Assets) Optimization Too large images, videos fetched fully compressing of uploaded images, use of SVGs where possible, MP4 Lazy loading, conducted font optimization, different resolutions for different screen sizes, informed user choice for content quality React Lazy
CDN Usage No implementation of CDN Basic use of CDN with some inefficiencies Highly efficient CDN with edge caching and minimal latency Tool for measuring CDN efficiency
Clean Code a lot of unused methods and comments perceived in the team’s code SonarLint was utilized to maintain code’s cleanness SonarQube was utilized to maintain codebase and results are well documented and elaborated on SonarLint, SonarQube
Data fetching fetching data that is not being utilized use of JSON, fetching only the truly necessary data fetching images separated from fetching of other information, fetching when requested Lighthouse, Browser console (inspect element)
HTTP Requests unnecessary and uncontrolled number of HTTP requests is happening (bug or intentionally implemented this way) Uncontrolled HTTP requests are not happening and requests are optimized to certain extent optimized way of requesting information and communicating through APIs Lighthouse, Browser console (inspect element)
Presented environmental sustainability knowledge
Energy efficiency tracking : You did not track the energy efficiency of your system : You measured the energy efficiency of your system once and presented it : You measured the energy efficiency of your system regularly and presented the progression over time See Tools below
Data efficiency tracking : You did not track the data efficiency of your system : You measured the data efficiency of your system once and presented it : You measured the data efficiency of your system regularly and presented it See Tools below
Identification of inefficiencies : You did not identify the causes of inefficiencies in your system : You identified and presented 2 causes of inefficiencies in your system and presented the solution to at least 1 : You identified and presented 3 causes of inefficiencies in your system and presented the solution to each of them See Tools below

How do I meet the criteria?


Testing web performance

  • EcoGrader - Gives extremely comprehensive analysis of your website
  • Digital Beacon - compares first and return visit to the websit
  • Globemallow - a browser add-on that generates a report on the environmental sustainability of the website and gives advice on how to optimize it
  • Website Carbon - estimates the carbon emissions attributed to a website.
  • Lighthouse - dev tools tab that offers most of above mentioned analyses
  • Green Frame - open-source solution that allows developers to decarbonize their websites by detecting carbon leaks

Green development

  • SonarLint - Tool that forces efficient code on the webpage-level
  • SonarQube - Tool that benchmarks your code and tells you how to improve upon it
  • WebPack - Code and media minifaction tool

TEMP: Green Code categories