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Data Transfer and Bandwidth
- Page Load Size: Analyze the size of resources (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images) loaded during page loads. Browser developer tools or network analysis tools like Chrome DevTools or Firefox Network Monitor can provide insights.
- Number of HTTP Requests: Use browser developer tools or network analysis tools to count the number of requests made during page loads. Optimizing resources and combining files can reduce the number of requests.
- Data Caching: Implement caching strategies to reduce redundant data fetching and improve load times. Monitor cache hit rates and effectiveness to optimize caching policies.
Resource Optimization
- Image Optimization: Check image sizes and formats using tools like ImageOptim or online compression tools. Ensure images are appropriately sized and compressed.
User Experience
- Responsive Design: Test the application on various devices and screen sizes to ensure responsiveness. Use browser developer tools or device simulators to simulate different environments.
- Efficient Navigation: Evaluate the number of clicks required to navigate through the application. User testing and feedback can help identify areas for improvement in navigation efficiency.
Sustainable Hosting and Practices
- Green Hosting: Research hosting providers that prioritize renewable energy or carbon offsetting. Check provider documentation or sustainability reports for information on energy practices.
Development and Build Processes
- Code Quality: Use code quality tools and linters to ensure clean and efficient code. Regular code reviews can help maintain code quality standards.
Monitoring and Reporting
- Real-time Performance Monitoring: Set up monitoring tools to track performance metrics in real-time. Use alerts and notifications to identify performance issues promptly.
- Carbon Emission Tracking: Estimate the carbon footprint of the application based on hosting provider energy usage and user traffic. Use carbon footprint calculators or sustainability metrics provided by hosting services.