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Running the Malaysian Hackathon from a backend perspective

Week One

Day 1: Monday

  • In person Registration
  • Welcome speech/ Introduction to hackathon (overview, goals, rules, and expectations)
    • Question period
  • Presentation on green IT (by sponsors or partners or collaborators)
    • Question period
  • Lunch
  • Icebreaker activities and team formation
  • Concluding talk

Day 2: Tuesday

  • Introduction to SusAF
    • Questions
    • SusAF practice on existing technologies (~1 hour)
  • Lunch
  • Explanation on how the workshops will function
    • These will serve to assist students with comprehension of technologies
  • Team work on background research on topics
    • Start considering teams brainstorming based on background research

Day 3: Wednesday

  • Workshop on project planning and management
  • Teams work on the idea phase
    • This should be based on the background research they conducted
  • Lunch
  • Team should have a general idea of their solution
  • Teams work on a high level prototype their solution
    • Using tools such as figma

Day 4: Thursday

  • Teams finish their high level prototype
  • Team work on a small presentation on their idea
    • This will be a 15 min presentation on their plan for the hackathon
    • Presentations should include the SusAF diagrams
  • Lunch
  • Teams present
    • Modifications of ideas and prototype based on the feedback provided

Day 5: Friday

  • Team preparation for the development portion of the hackathon
    • Setting up required technologies
  • Lunch
  • Beginning of the development portion
  • Concluding talk by the hosts for the end of the first week
    • This should also act to keep students motivated, and create excitement to start week two on the following monday

Week Two

Day 8: Monday

  • Brief introductory talk for the beginning of the second week
  • Teams will continue to work on the development portion of their ‘solution’
    • Progress updates should be pushed at a minimum once a day to some platform such as github. Hosts should have access to team repositories
    • Teams should be focused on creating an overall ‘skeleton’ of their tool at this stage
  • Lunch
  • Teams will continue to work on development

Day 7: Tuesday

  • Teams will continue to work on the development of their solution
  • Mid-hackathon progress talks and feedback with hosts
    • Individual progress talks with each team.
      • No presentations required
  • Teams should make modifications based on feedback if needed
  • Lunch
  • Teams should continue to work on development, with a goal to have at a minimum, the ‘skeleton’ completed by the end of the day
    • After this is completed, teams should work on the functionality of their solution

Day 8: Wednesday

  • Teams should work on adding the functionality to their skeleton
  • Lunch
  • Team will continue to work on development
  • Start working on presentations and demos

Day 9: Thursday

  • Final bug fixes and feature enhancements
    • Hosts can assist with guidance on bugs teams are struggling heavily with (if needed)
      • Guidance will be provided. Not solutions to the bugs
  • Lunch
  • Teams should be finishing the development phase
  • Dry run of presentations with mentors

Day 10: Friday

  • Demo day presentations/ Pitching session
  • Lunch
  • Closing Ceremony (Winner announcement)
  • Feedback collection from participants and mentors (online form)
  • Networking event

Workshops available (In Person / Virtual):

Week 1

Planning Workshop

  • Agile (SCRUM)
  • Tools that can be used eg GitHub Projects.JIRA , Figma etc

Design Workshops

  • Principles of user-centered design
  • Prototyping tools (Figma)
  • Creating accessible interfaces.
  • Designing for sustainability
  • User behavior impact on energy consumption

Week 1 - 2

Development Workshops (optional)

  • Web Development Basics
    • HTML, CSS, JavaScript basics,
    • Frameworks (React, Next)
    • Best practices.
  • Mobile App Development
    • Fundamentals of Flutter
  • Backend Development Fundamentals
    • Server setup
    • RESTful APIs
    • Database management (SQL, NoSQL)
    • Backend frameworks (Node.js, Django, Flask)
    • Best Practices

Week 2

Green Coding Practices

  • Introduction to sustainable coding practices
  • Energy-efficient algorithms
  • Eco-friendly design principles

Integration and Deployment Workshop

  • CI/CD
  • Cloud Deployments
  • Scaling Infrastructure
  • Best practices for integrating web and mobile applications, API integration