ImpactXchange Hackathon 2025

The ImpactXchange hackathon is the second ImpactXchange Hack event and continuation of the successful Green coding Hackathon developed in Finland and implemented in Malaysia in 2024. In this second Hackathon event, the Malaysian students will co-design a sustainable city/house hackathon for the students in Finland.

ImpactXchange Hackathon preparation

The ImpactXchange Hackathon preparation event aims to co-create the ImpactXchange Hackathon to be held in Finland in May 2025.

ImpactXchange Hackathon implementation in Finland

The ImpactXchange Hackathon will be implemented twice, once in Turku and once in Lappeenranta. These Hackathons may have a different focus or theme.

Turku Hackathon

Lappeenranta Hackathon

  • Venue: LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland
  • Time: 19.5. -23.5. 2025
  • Theme: Affecting and changing the behavior of residents of a smart city through smart housing