PERCCOM Summer School 2018

PERCCOM Summer School week: June 11th-15th at Lappeenranta University of Technology
Welcome to the PERCCOM Summer School 2018, themed “Building Our Future Together”. This summer school aims to bring together students, alumni, researchers, city representatives and industry practitioners to discuss the role of humans and technology in building a sustainable future for our societies. The summer school is being held at Lappeenranta University of Technology from 11th to 15th of June 2018. In this wiki you will find useful information about this summer school.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask us by sending an email to or

Welcome to the Land of the Curious!

News & Notes

Summer School Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thrusday Friday
9:00-9:25 Morning Coffee Breaks at LUT Piano Galleria
Student Union Auditorium Room 7343.1-2
9:30-10:15 Opening of the summer school Values in Computing: Connecting the Bits
by Maria Angela Ferrario
Lancaster University & University of Toronto
Life Beyond Perccom
by Dorine Petit
Other Alumnus
Thesis Presentations
Group 2
Thesis Presentations
Group 5
10:15-11:00 Green Reality Actions and Results in Lappeenranta region
by Markku Heinonen
Lappeenranta City
The Clock of the Long Now:
Architecting Sustainable Software Systems
by Colin Venters
University of Huddersfield
11:00-11:45 Liberty Bell: Capturing citizen insights to help transport planners address barriers to active modes of travel
by Catherine Swift
Fluidedge Innovation
Sustainable Software Systems Engineering
by Stefanie Betz
Furtwangen University
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break at LUT Buffet Restaurant
13:00-13:45 Envibase Citizen Observatories
by Timo Pyhälahti
Finnish Environment Institute
Smart Participatory Network
by Radu-Ioan Ciobanu
University Politehnica Bucharest
Thesis Presentations
Group 1
Thesis Presentations
Group 3
Posters Recap
13:45-14:30 Ground Truth 2.0
by Uta Wehn
IHE Delft
Building the Energy Internet
by Pedro Nardelli
14:30-15:00 Afternoon Coffee Breaks at LUT Piano Galleria
15:00-15:45 Smart cities and Sustainability
by Arkady Zaslavsky
CSIRO & Monash University & LTU
Sustainability at a consulting company
and UX prototyping at Karolinska
by Emil Hedemalm
Netlight Consulting
Outdoors Challenge
Thesis Presentations
Group 4
Cohort 4 Presentation
Summer School Closing
15:45-16:30 IoT Enabled Sustainable Development in St Petersburg
by Dmitry Mouromtsev and Oleg Sadov
ITMO University
What Are Your Programming Languages Energy-Delay Implications?
by Stefanos Georgiou
Athens University of Economics and Business
17:00-18:00 Consortium Staff Meetings at room 7630
18:00 - ∞ Welcome evening at LUT Beach Sauna Dinner & Cruise at Lappeenranta Harbour
We leave LUT together by bus at 16:45 and 17:00
- - Farewell at LUT Beach Sauna

Thesis Presentations

Group Names
Group 1Villanueva, Marcel Lowell; Al-Hussein Hameed Jasim; Villers Barriga, Geraldine
Group 2Farniba Khan; Ahmed Afif Monrat; Daniyal Akhtar Qureshi; Md Tawseef Alam; Ganesan Madhubala
Group 3Jalolov Mukhammadjon; Berrios Moron Jonathan; Ruci Xhesika
Group 4Gofurov Furkat; Kouros Kristian; Zhohov Roman;Deroche Germain;Iqbal Syed Asif
Group 5Kugblenu Carl; Rady Mina; Abdukalikova Anara; Heathcote-fumador Ida; Mutua Phoebe

Poster Presentations

Attention poster presenters: Guidelines to prepare your poster

Name Thesis Title Host University Poster Poster Number
Andrew, DarrenAnalysing & computing the gain of stand‐by cut‐offs used with smart metering in non-residential buildingsHarz University of Applied Sciences - Germany View Poster 01
Serikov, AskarAffecting the user’s sustainability behaviorLappeenranta University of TechnologyView Poster 02
Cedillo, ValeriaModeling and analysing sustainability effects of various modes of transportation in FinlandLappeenranta University of Technology View Poster 03
Fejzo, OrsolaProactive adaptation of behavior for smart connected objects in bIoTope ecosystemITMO View Poster 04
Grishina, AnastasiiaThe Role of Data Centre in Smart CitiesENEA (Lead), Leeds Beckett University View Poster 05
Islam, AnisulAn Ontology Driven Model for environmental legislations knowledge‐based system  in the context of UK building design and construction   Leeds Beckett University View Poster 06
Kabir, SamiBRB based Deep Learning Approach with Application in Sensor Data StreamsUniversity of Chittagong - Bangladesh, Lulea University of Technology - Sweden View Poster 07
Kheffache, MansourFPGA-Based Integer Echo State Networks in E-HealthLuleå Tekniska Universitet View Poster 08
Mishi, Maliha RahmanMatching data centre energy consumption with renewable energy mix generation and storageLeeds Beckett University View Poster 09
Muyassarov FeruzjonNFV Deployment Scenario DimensioningUniversité de Lorraine View Poster 10
Niazi, Ijlal AhmedBig Data meets green challenges: Greening Big DataUniversity of Lorraine View Poster 11
Nurgazy, MeruyertContext-driven Visualization of Air Pollution Heatpmaps with OpenIoTCSIRO, University of Lorraine View Poster 12
Perdomo Zelaya, José Mauricio Energy Efficient UE in a 5G multi-connectivity UDN city scenario Luleå University of Technology View Poster 13
Pham, AnImproving the Effectiveness of Building Automation by Adaption to the Users ContextHarz University of Applied Sciences - Germany View Poster 14
Rahafrouz, Amir Big Data Orchestration Framework for Mobile Edge Computing Luleå University of Technology View Poster 15
Schürholz, DanielContext- and Situation-Prediction for Outdoor Air Quality MonitoringCSIRO, Universite de Lorraine, ITMO View Poster 16
Samadov, SunnatilloOptimization of wireless network gateways placement in IoT with regard to Quality of Service and Quality in SustainabilityUniversity of Lorraine View Poster 17
SZABO, Florian AkosModelling of secure communication system for IoT enabled waste management systemITMO (Lead), CSIRO, UL View Poster 18
Vaddepalli, Krishna TejaDefining data quality for civic sensing for environmental monitoring Lappenrannan teknillinen yliopisto View Poster 19

Instructions for Presenters

Presentation Timings:

  • For speakers: 45 minutes (~30 min talk, 15 min Q&A).
  • For thesis presenters (cohort 4): 30 minutes (~20 min talk, 10 min Q&A).
  • For poster presenters (cohort 5): During the week your posters will be displayed in the piano galleria. You should stand by your poster during the coffee breaks. On Friday you will have 5 minutes each to present a fast recap about your poster. It is recommended that cohort 5 merge one presentation with all the posters to make the most of the time allocated for this fast recaps.

No talks will be allowed to go over the time allotted, as this will be unfair on the other presenters.

Technical notes:

  • The projector resolution in room 7343.1-2 is 1280 x 720 and in the student union auditorium is 1280 x 1024. Aspect ratio is 16:9 in both rooms. We expect to have VGA and HDMI connectors in the presenting rooms. Please bring adaptors if case these connectors are not available on your laptops, or if you have an unusual setup. We’d recommend marking your personal adaptors with a sharpie or tag to avoid them getting lost.
  • Please bear in mind that we want the summer school to be as accessable as possible, so we are asking if you take account of these accessibility guidelines as you prepare your talks and materials.
  • If you have any problems or questions, please email us at or either in advance, or ask at the start of the session.


  • Please arrive at the room at least 15 min before your talk session begins so that you can meet the summer school organizers who will talk you through the session process and check your A/V. Not arriving early is likely to lead to problems, so please do come early.
  • Feel free to share any relevant materials with the other presenters e.g. A4 copies of your poster or A4 copies of a short summary of your thesis findings.

LUT Campus & Parking Spaces

Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) is a pioneering science university in Finland, bringing together the fields of science and business since 1969. Our international community is composed of approximately 6,000 students and experts engaged in scientific research and academic education. Sustainable development is a core topic accross LUT programmes and research and PERCCOM is part of these activities to build a better future. Our green campus is located near lake Saimaa – the 4th largest lake in Europe. Below you can find more information about how to get to campus and navigate the rooms where the summer school will be taking place.

Getting to LUT Campus by bus:

Local bus number 5 goes to the university from the train station (matkakeskus) via the city centre. Bus number 1 also run between the university and the city centre. You can find the time tables in this site.

Summer School Locations:

  • The events during this summer school will happen around: LUT Piano Galleria (coffee breaks and poster displays); Student union auditorium (talks monday to wednesday);Room 7343.1-2 (talks and thesis presentations on thrusday and friday), LUT Beach sauna (welcome and farewell evenings), LUT Buffet restaurant (lunches). You can find a map with all the important locations during this summer school here.

The golden rule to find any room at LUT is the following: Every building has a number e.g. 7343, the first number “7” represents the building number, the second number “3” is the floor where the room you are looking for is located and, the last two numbers “32” are the room number.

Parking spaces: We have assigned parking spaces 4 and 5 for our summer school. The parking spaces are marked in the summer school maps.

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Eating near Campus

In campus there are three main restaurants open during summer:

Skinfo is a useful site that summarizes all the menus from restaurants near campus. Also, you can find bus schedules there.

How to get to Lappeenranta

Most visitors arrive via Helsinki, the capital of Finland or by a direct flight to Lappeenranta. For visitors arriving from Russia the means of arrival in Lappeenranta is often a bus or a car. Below you will find information on how to travel from Helsinki to Lappeenranta and some useful links:

To Lappeenranta via Helsinki: You will need to take a train, bus or drive to Lappeenranta. Below more details about these options.

To Lappeenranta by flight: It is possible to fly directly to Lappeenranta with Ryanair from Athens or Milan Bergamo. From the Lappeenranta airport you can take either a taxi or a bus to your accomodation.

To Lappeenranta by train: The quickest way to travel from Helsinki Airport to Lappeenranta is by train – the trip takes about 2 hours and a half. You can buy your train tickets online at VR site or at the vending machines at airport. Make sure to select “Helsinki Airport” as your departure station. Be aware that you will need to change trains in Tikkurila.

If you arrive by train from Russia, the closest station to Lappeenranta is Vainikkala. There is a bus connection from Vainikkala train station to Lappeenranta Travel Centre.

To Lappeentanta by bus: The bus trip from Helsinki Airport to Lappeenranta takes about 4 hours. Tickets can be bought online, at the bus station, or in the bus (with cash). Several companies offer this service, there is a search service from Matkakeisari that can help you find the best deal.

To Lappeenranta driving: Map services such as google maps are rather accurate finding the route from Helsinki to Lappeenranta. But, in case this would fail have into account the following instructions. Take the direction toward Porvoo from Helsinki, then to Kouvola and finally to Lappeenranta. You can also drive via Lahti, but this is a bit longer route. About 8 km before Lappeenranta, go right off of Exit 51 in the direction of Yliopisto (university) and follow the signs leading you to the university campus area. The distance between Helsinki and Lappeenranta is 225 km. See the websites of Liikenneturva for traffic regulations and safety info.

Housing Info

Karelia park offers rooms for students and visitors attending summer schools in Lappeenranta for a reasonable price. If you wish to book with them, just write them an email to


Q: Do I need to submit the poster before 20th May on the wiki page?
R: No, you only need to update the table in the section “poster presenters” with your information. You can upload your poster on your wiki before the summer school starts (June 10)

Q: Can I modify my thesis/poster wiki?
R: Yes, you can. It is normal for thesis to evolve and get more defined during its last stages. You can modify your thesis/poster wiki anytime but, we reccomend you to have it fully ready before the summer school starts (June 10).

Q: Where is the outdoors challenge
R: The outdoors challenge on wednesday will take place in the Lappeenranta City Fortress. We will take a bus from LUT and go there.

If you have questions about the summer school send email to Maria Palacin Silva (

Helpful Links