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Group 1. Project Name here

  • Janne Parkkila, 0303159, , Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
  • Rostislav Malevich, 0312328, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
  • Mahmut Akcin, Middle-East Technical University, Turkey.


mChorder - Your Musical Instractor

Trying to kep our project inside defined theme, we decided to make application that will be targeted to those people, who just started playing guitar and are needy of basic knowledge. Also, at the same time, while we were developing application, we were also paying attention to user state, and what usex experience user will get. One of main parts was to provide easy interface for user, taking in consideration that while playing on guitar, only one hand is free and it already limits features. Additionaly, information from screen have to be easily readable, and to provide that we were interviewing other student to make sure that GUI is best possible. As the project is aimed to newbies

Project is aimed to new guitar players to find the chords they are looking for. Also it will soon (or maybe in the future/never?) feature also a small guitar chord quiz, where the user has to guess which chords the program is showing him.


Result of coding is application “mChorder”.

The Chords in use:

      self.chords = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"]
      self.scales = ["Maj", "Min", "sMaj", "sMin"]