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1930481.bib (2011/03/28 10:29 717 B) View original file Media Manager
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a_tool_for_visualizing_skill_requirements_in_ict_job_advertisements---preprint.pdf (2011/09/01 12:40 233.6 KB) View original file Media Manager
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applying_peer_review_for_programming_assignments_preprint.pdf (2011/03/25 14:51 128.2 KB) View original file Media Manager
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atl_cc.bib (2011/03/31 12:34 432 B) View original file Media Manager
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code_camp_a_setting_for_collaborative_learning_of_programming_preprint.pdf (2011/03/31 12:26 165.3 KB) View original file Media Manager
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eaeeeie09_from_tacit_to_acknowledged_knowledge_preprint.pdf (2011/03/31 12:09 78.1 KB) View original file Media Manager
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emphasizing.bib (2011/03/29 15:35 1.1 KB) View original file Media Manager
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experiments_on_applying_peer_review_preprint.pdf (2011/03/25 15:07 76.9 KB) View original file Media Manager
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hamalainen_jobskillsearcher_final.pdf (2011/09/01 10:40 381.4 KB) View original file Media Manager
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hamalainen_jobskillsearcher_final.pptx (2011/09/01 10:38 731.7 KB) View original file Media Manager
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hamalainen_leap2a_mahara_final.pdf (2011/09/01 10:40 383.9 KB) View original file Media Manager
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icalt.2009.195.bib (2011/03/28 10:24 503 B) View original file Media Manager
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increasing_student_participation_presentation.pdf (2011/09/08 11:35 77.6 KB) View original file Media Manager
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mobile_feedback_system_for_supporting_interactive_learning---preprint.pdf (2011/09/01 12:58 136.8 KB) View original file Media Manager
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mobilefeedbacksystem_presentation.pdf (2011/09/01 13:00 208.9 KB) View original file Media Manager
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mypeerreview_preprint.pdf (2011/03/25 15:33 98.3 KB) View original file Media Manager
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nails-compsystech2015-preprint.pdf (2015/05/27 16:37 918 KB) View original file Media Manager
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preprint_cscl_sms_researchgate.pdf (2016/04/08 10:03 410.1 KB) View original file Media Manager
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symbian_code_camp_2003.jpg (143×148 2009/10/22 17:57 6.2 KB) View original file Media Manager
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the_status_of_interoperability_in_e-portfolios_-_case_mahara---preprint.pdf (2011/09/01 12:41 160.2 KB) View original file Media Manager
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use_of_peer_review_system_for_enhancing_learning_of_programming_preprint.pdf (2011/03/25 15:43 43.6 KB) View original file Media Manager
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