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Group Member:

1- Saeed Mirzaeifar (0392562)

2- Yasir Ali(0406173)

3- Zahid Butt (0406254)


The Idea comes from developing a web application which would be implemented with agile development method and Grails J2EE framework. The main argument of the project is based on how a simple web application can assist the consultants of a company to forecast their actual workload.

SCRUM status

Sprint 1 Status Estimation Time Priority
As a Consultant I would be able to log my workload forecast. Done 3 h 1
As owner I want my system should notify user if he_she log over 100% workload forecast. Done 10 h 1
As a user I want to view the activity forecast weekly_ monthly. Done 18 h 2
Sprint 2
As a user I would be able to create/deactivate account Done 20 h 1
As a Manager/Administrator I would be able to create teams and groups. in Progress 20 h 3
Sprint 3
As a Manager/Director I would be able to brows users to view workload forecast weekly/monthly. Done 32 h 2
Sprint 4
As a user I would be able to assign /crud the activity for the consultant/teams /groups. In Progress 7h 2
As a manager/administrator I want to select the type of activity that I will assign to consultant/teams /groups. In Progress 5h 2


Entities and Relationships

Application Screen shots

Presentation Slides


Coming soon


The expectations of this code camp are satisfied now. We all know about what is the agile development and we know what the Scrum is. We can learn a new open source framework in J2EE and it is great.