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.NET Code Camp 2013

Code Camp Week: Week 4 Monday 21.1 - Friday 25.1 2013 Room no: 6218

CT30A9300 Code Camp on Communications Engineering (4 cr)

News & Notes

  • Course is about to start!
  • Friday tutorial material HERE
  • Please give course feedback: Course Feedback, pt1
  • Return requirements relating to the report have been updated. The deadline has been extended from Friday 1.2. to Sunday 3.2. See more details below.
  • Time reservation for group feedback on Monday 11.2. is available. Participation and presenting a verbal report of your work is mandatory. Time reservation is available at:

Code Camp Week

Location 6218 basement computer lab

  • Start time on Monday 23.1.2013 at 9:10

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:15 Presentations
09:15 Idea brainstroming and group formation Imagine Cup 2013 Code Camps Coding Coding Coding Presentations
10:15 Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 tech briefing Tutorial 101 and Metro UI Design and Tutorials Coding Coding Coding Presentations complete: Winner announced
12:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Closing
13:00 Idea brainstorming and group formation Coding Coding Coding
14:15 Idea brainstorming and group formation / Coding Coding Coding Coding
17:00 Idea presentations at 6218 Progress reports and sauna! (at the beach sauna) Coding Coding
02:00 Coding Coding Deadline style Coding and Code complete


Feedback times

To be announced


Group Application Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4
Group 1 Game of Survival Jukka Stranden Petteri Pekonen
Group 2 GPS adventure Tatu Huttunen Joonas Pohjala Rasmus Halsas
Group 3 Growth Pablo Caro Martin Masoumeh Khaksari Negin Banaeianjahromi Juan Antonio Aldea Armenteros
Group 4 Restaurants @ LUT Ilkka Tommola Tulibako Paiti Doreen Mushi
Group 5 Sale Assistant Saeed Mirzaeifar Gergely Zachar Yasir Ali Ville Arola
Group 6 App Name Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4

Requirements for projects

Use one or more of the following technologies in the project:

  • Windows
  • Windows Phone
  • Windows Server and/or ASP.NET
  • Kinect SDK
  • Xbox Indie Games
  • .NET Framework
  • Windows Azure

No matter what technologies you choose, your project must meet app store guidelines and target some Imagine Cup competition category.

Return requirements for groups and the return schedule

  • On Friday, at the end of the course, you need to have
    • Five minute presentation about your program (idea, motivation, goals, technology used, what was actually implemented etc.)
    • Five minute demonstration of your working program
    • = Total presentation time of 10 minutes
    • Done your wiki page and linked it to this one. Use this or this as an example
      • Group members
      • Idea
      • Motivation
      • Features
      • Tech
      • Some explanatory charts optionally
      • Your project source binaries as wiki, no need to upload source code
  • In a week (before 23:59 3.2.2012) send an email to Antti Knutas ( ), with:
    • Six page report of your project (also upload to wiki), including:
      • Project introduction, motivation (justify the need for your app!)
      • Functionality and features
      • High points of your technical design
      • Reflection (how did your brainstorming go, how did you end up with the idea, how did you approach the developing process, how did the code camp method work for you?)
      • Conclusion (consider where your project could head next, what kind of use and features would the fully completed app have?)
    • One page poster about your project (see examples from previous years, also upload to wiki)
    • Email has to have topic [CC2013] Group X (for example: [CC2013] Group 2)
      • Include project source code (remove binaries in bin and opt!) and the project report document in the email
      • Don't upload project source to the wiki, only the report, poster and binaries
        • Considering uploading your app to the store for extra points and include a link to your app
      • Include link to your wiki page in the email
  • On Monday 11.2.
  • Before March 1st, consider signing up your team in one major Imagine Cup category (or the Windows Phone Challenge)

The feedback day for the reports will be on the Monday 11.2. in the afternoon. Attending the feedback day and giving a verbal report is mandatory. Reserve a time for your group at:

Imagine Cup

Discussion and the Q&A

Q: How can I move elements manually in WPF?
A: This might work:

Q: How does the USB boot work with the hard disks?
A: Press F12 until you have reached the boot option menu after power on. Then choose the UEFI USB boot option.

Q: Does the Razor MVC have a design view?
A: No, not in the same sense as in the old ASP.NET. However, check out Page Inspector.

Q: How to add custom parameters to ActionLink?
A: Check out


Programming experience(I hope you all have some…if not..then you'll have one during this code camp) and of course learning INTEREST is the most.

Can I prepare to Code Camp ?

Yes. During code camp week we will brainstorm a software idea, design it and code it. Getting good ideas might sometimes be hard and thinking about different ideas before code camp makes it faster to get into coding part.

I have an exam in Code Camp week ?

You are free to go exam, but code camp in intensive course and idea is to focus coding during the well, so it is recommended you prepare to exam before the code camp week.

Grading ?

Grading 1-5 from

  • Idea and presentation of the Idea in wiki: 25%
  • Coding of the implementation: 25%
  • Presentation: 10%
  • Code Camp Spirit: 20%
  • Code camp report 20%

More ?

If you have questions about code camp send email to Antti Knutas (

Helpful Links

What is Code Camp ?

Code Camp is a learning and hacking experience. The code camp approach can be defined as a collaborative learning setting that aims to promote profession-oriented skills. In code camp, the term camp refers to a situation where students assemble and stay a while together. The term code refers to coding, i.e. writing computer programs.


Registration link is on the front page.