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Code Camp

Code Camp is a learning and hacking experience. The code camp approach can be defined as a collaborative learning setting that aims to promote profession-oriented skills. In code camp, the term camp refers to a situation where students assemble and stay a while together. The term code refers to coding, i.e. writing computer programs. During a code camp, students write programs together, solve problems related to their work together, eat together and even might relax together in a sauna.

This page is a portal that compiles information about all the Code Camps that are going on at LUT and cooperating universities. Usually, at LUT there are one or two Code Camps for each semester (fall, spring and summer). Course signup method depends on the arranging organisation and persons. Please read more information and the find the sign up link about each Code Camp in its individual section. Also, check out our Facebook community at !

Current Code Camps

Year 2020 on going / in evaluation process Code Camps:

Week Date Topic Course ID (cr) More information
Week 46 (+ extension) 12-13.11.2020 + possibility for extension Hackathon for Digitalized future and digital twins DigiEduHAck CodeCamp 2020 subpages CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 / 6 ECTS ) DigiEduHack is special innovation and new concepts / ideas / future options focused hackathon with multiple company based and research generated options for participation. Coding is not mandatory / requirement to participate. Hackathon is part of larger European wide competition, where LUT DigiEduHack is offering local hackathon prices (e.g. Amazon gift card(s)) followed by submission of best solution to the extended evaluation with a promise of 5000eur for winning team. This hackathon is full On-Line hackathon event, designed to include LUT and company based mentors and EU wide content to follow.
In this course, students receive small post event task related to best strategies how to proceed and participate in future hackathon events to improve your teams change to win the event. After the 11.11.2020 test date, students shall participation into the actual DigiEduHack event with the digital twins connection. After the event, participants who want to receive the 3ECTS study points packet from master level, will write a report related to their learnings and activities in the event. In case you want to aim to 6ECTS packet, teacher and team will discuss with the challenge giving company, for shared continued hacking work, after the intensive 12th and 13rd days in November.

Shortly put: to pass the course student needs to 1) Register to the event, 2) participate & enjoy, 3) write the report do the small post-event task.
To enroll to the course, use the registration link.

IMPORTANT!! Register on time in DigiEduHakck website on November 11th 2020

The tentative list of hackathon challenges, click here to see your options to fame and fortune click here

For tentative time table, click here

For details, look into our DigiEduHack online website

Past Code Camps

Already past Code Camps in Year 2020:

Week 1-2 7.1. - 17.1.2020 React.js, UX & Software design CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 / 6 ECTS) LUT Software Engineering Masters programme with Visma offers special change to learn React.js, UX / Usability concepts and Software design ideologies (
Course includes 3 lectures in different days (note! At least the react lectures might be given in FINNISH!)
Apply before 6.01.2020, send an e-mail to happonen AT (your name, e-mail address and student number) to join.
Code Camp program will include previously mentioned 2-3 days of lectures and concept presentation day. As a bonus, if possible for react.js specialist a code review session will be offered for course participants. Final results presentation is designed to be on 24.01.2020 Friday. Course includes a report to write to pass 4ECTS version (6ECTS version includes extra self studies agreed with the teacher)
Overview content of react.js lectures and exercises: React + React Native & Redux. Including: ideologies & ways to think, technical basics & components, “best practices”, React router, Redux (action, reducer, store, dispatch), Async model(s) and of course workshop learning examples!
For this course, prepare yourself with your own computer (laptop) and NodeJs installation (6+ version should be ok, but old is not gold in this case).

Time Table:
7.1. klo 9.00 UX & service design ( 9 to 12 at Room 1326 and for afternoon time 12 - 16 at room 7443 )
9.1. klo 15.00 - 17.00 CEO lecture on Software business & applications at room 1316
10.1. klo 9.00 React.js - lectures at 7343.1 + 7343.2
17.1. klo 13.00-15.00 Bonus option for Code review at 1443
24.1. klo 13.00-15.00 Results presentation at 1443

For the course project, students shall form 2 to 4 people groups. The end results size and level of details are expected to reflect directly with the team size. 3 people groups are highly suggested by the teacher.
Promised link for Visma summer positions :)
Week 5 31.1. - 02.2.2020 Global Game Jam
FGJ CodeCamp 2020 pages
CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 ECTS / 6 ECTS) Participate to the Lappeenranta event of the Finnish Game Jam! You get the credits by
1. Signing up to the event following the event instructions
2. Send e-mail to course teacher that you want to participate into the FGJ 2020 Code Camp (happonen AT lut dot fi), by 30.1.2020 time 23.59)
3. Participate to the event full time
4. Prepare your project presentation and required course documents and return them by the set deadline,
5. Link to 2020 FGJ instructions of all the needed course parts to get the 4 credits.
Those of you, who would like to extended the course to 6 ECTS length, contact the teacher for the extended game industry related research packet.

Remember to sign up to the FGJ event before all places are reserved!
Week 15 9.4. - 12.4.2020 Global Hack - Fighting a Global Crisis
Global Hack Corona 2020 team solution pages
CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 ECTS / 6 ECTS) Participate to the Global event Fighting a Global Crisis! and follow the course instructions to get the credits :-)

To get your project to pass as code camp course solution, it should be somehow connected to digitalization, process optimization, management systems, data bases and big data analysis, technology and ICT, software, cloud solutions, (automated)data analysis, information transfer and/or sharing, edge computing etc. etc. If you are unsure, just contact the teacher for clarifications.

Process to follow:
1. Signing up into the Fighting a Global Crisis event and follow the online Hack events instructions
2. Send an e-mail to the course teacher that you want to also get the code camp course credits (happonen AT lut dot fi), by 08.04.2020 time 23:59)
3. Do your full participation to Global Hack - Fighting a Global Crisis event
4. Prepare your project presentation (video / PP slideshow recording etc.) and make short web page / wiki page about your team solution by the set deadline (end of day 20.04.2020),
5. Link to 2020 Global hack CC reporting instructions and write short personal reflection work (deadline for this report part is end of day 27.04.2020) about your participation to get the 4 credits.
Those of you, who would like to extended the course to 6 ECTS length, contact the teacher for agreement of extension requirements.

Remember to sign up into the event on time!

Just to have a bit of context understanding, what we are facing here, take a look into this data based YouTube video of Coronavirus vs. Every 2000s Epidemic
For information sharing example, you can take a look the YouTube Coronavirus Pandemic Real Time Counter live video (and also read the description of it's data sources)
Week 22 25-29.05 (Keynote lectures) & 30.5. - 31.5.2020 (main event) #HackBack hackathon - A hackathon to help support SMEs and Startups
CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS ) Participate to the #HackBack hackathon event to support SMEs and Startups during the Covid crisis recovery and follow the course instructions (how to report your learnings) to get the credits :-)

To get your Hackathon participation to pass as code camp course solution, it should be connected to digitalization, process optimization, management systems, data bases, digital transformation, new software services, big data analysis, technology and ICT, wireless & mobile communication in 2020 (4G vs. 5G), SaaS, cloud solutions, (automated)data analysis, information transfer and/or sharing, edge computing, data security in remote services etc. etc. If unsure, just contact the teacher for clarifications.

Process to follow:
1. Signing up into the event itself and follow the events instructions
2. Send an e-mail to the course teacher to list to the Code Camp course (happonen AT lut dot fi), by 25.05.2020 time 23:59)
3. Do your full participation to the event
4. Prepare your short team project presentation (video / PP slideshow recording etc.) by the set deadline (end of day 07.06.2020),
5. Link to 2020 HackBack hackathon CC course instructions and write short personal reflection report fro this course (deadline for report is end of day 14.06.2020) to receive the 3 credits.

Remember to sign up into the event on time!

Week 38-40 14.09. Intro lecture + preparation for the course. 05.10.2020 final result presentation afternoon EduHack with Eficode - DevOps(Sec) and education development
CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS ) Student participates to the course in 2-3 person teams. Course intro slides here. Course credits will be given based on participation, presentations and report

To get the credits, team self-studies DevOps(Sec) teaching / learning options, considered the expert lectures given by Eficode and prepares an presentation and report based on experience on hacking your own views for what would be a “best possible DevOps(Sec) course content and learning approach for LUT SWE.

Process to follow:
1. Send an e-mail to the course teacher to list to the Code Camp course (happonen AT lut dot fi), by 14.09.2020 time 15:59)
2. Prepare to participate by the given course timeline
3. Do the required presentations and make the final report as a team (report deadline 18.10.2020),
4. Short personal reflection will be also required to pass the course and to provide teacher knowledge on how to develop Code Camp / Hackathon events even further.

Zoom link to join the opening lecture: Join the session

Tuesday 15.09.2020 Eficode lecture slides and Eficode webinar, DevSecOps Webinar, Secure Continuous Development in IT environments

Monday 14.09.2020 Eficode company presentation on I&B course

Tuesday 15.09.2020 Eficode lecture recording

Thursday 17.09.2020 Eficode evening time DevOpsSec lecture recording

Monday 28.09.2020, time 17:00, Eficode Final EduHack guidance session

Monday 05.10.2020, time 16:15, Eficode EduHack results session

Remember to sign up into the event on time!

Week 39-40 21.09. Intro lecture + preparation for the course. 01.10.2020 result presentation DevOpsHack with Abloy
CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS ) Student participates to the course in small few persons teams. Course intro slides. Course credits will be given based on participation, presentations and report

To get the credits, team selects an approach line for given product development related challenge, participation to given lectures and presentation + report based on experience in the course.

Process to follow:
1. Send an e-mail to the course teacher to list to the Abloy hackathon event (happonen AT lut dot fi), by 21.09.2020 time 10:00)
2. Prepare to participate by the given course timeline
3. Do the required presentations and make the final report as a team (report deadline 25.10.2020),
4. Short personal Hackathon experience reflection will be asked for to support the development of similar events in future.

Remote meeting link to join the opening lecture: Join the Abloy hack course opening session

Tuesday Q&A session starting 16:15

Thursday 18:00 Abloy vision of the future & TEAM situation presentations

29.09. Tuesday Final mentoring session for hacking projects 16:15

01.10.2020 Abloy hack results presentations 17:00

Remember to sign up into the event on time!

Week 45 6.11. - 8.11.2020 Junction Connected 2020 CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS ) Junction is an international hackathon organized annually. In 2020 Junction will be On-Line hackathon event
LUT students who have been approved to participate to Junction 2020 event can apply to this Code Camp.
In In this course, students receive small post event strategy study packet related to online hackathons like the junction 2020 event. The goal is to build an improved strategy how to achieve best possible results in short online hacking time, based on the Junction experience, for future events one shall participate. Students shall also participation into the actual junction 2020 event and write reflective document from the event, after the participation. Shortly put: to pass the course student needs to 1) report the strategy task, reflect the event time and after the event learnings & experiences.
To enroll to the 3 ECTS LUT junction 2020 on line hackathon course, please contact happonen AT

IMPORTANT!! To list into the junction 2020 connected event the deadline given by Junction event organizers is OCTOBER 9th 2020 (the Application period ends)

For details, look into Junction connected 2020 website

Past Code Camps in Year 2019:

Week Date Topic Course ID (cr) More information
Week 1-2 2.1. - 11.1.2019 React.js & Software design CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 / 6 ECTS) LUT Software Engineering Masters programme with OCTO3 offers special change to learn React.js & Software design ideologies (
First 3 days include expert lecture series in software design, software consept innovation and react.js (note! React lecture might be given in FINNISH!)
If there ever has been a change to get easily into world of building user interfaces in guidance of an expert, then it is this one!
Apply before 29.12.2018, send an e-mail to happonen AT (your name, e-mail address and student number) to join.
Code Camp program will be a set of previously mentioned 3 days plus concept presentation day, Code review session and results presentations in second week.
Overview content of react.js lectures and exercises: React + React Native & Redux. Including: ideologies & ways to think, technical basics & components, “best practices”, React router, Redux (action, reducer, store, dispatch), Async model(s) and of course workshop learning examples!
For this course, prepare yourself with your own computer (laptop) and NodeJs installation (6+ version should be ok, but old is not gold in this case).
Week 4 25.1. - 27.1.2019 Global Game Jam
FGJ CodeCamp 2019 pages
CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 ECTS) Participate to the Lappeenranta event of the Finnish Game Jam! You get the credits by 1. Signing up to the event following the event instructions 2. Send an e-mail to happonen AT (your name, e-mail address and student number) to join to LUT Code Camp course (deadline 24.1.2019 time 23.59) 3. Participate to the event full time 4. Participate to the project presentations in February (date and place will be announced later on for Code Camp participants) 5. Do follow these instructions of all the needed course parts to get the 4 credits.
Remember to sign up to the FGJ event before all places are reserved!
Week 8-9 22.2. - 03.03.2019 eSports solution Hackathon CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 ECTS) You get the credits by participating this eSports related hackathon Code Camp and by building solution proposal for given challenges available in the course. To participate into this course, send an e-mail to happonen AT (in the message state: your name, e-mail address and student number) to join this particular LUT Code Camp course (deadline 20.2.2019 time 23.59). You need to participate in the mandatory sessions (start event, midcourse presentation session, and final presentations, plus one results steering meeting with the challenge giver (might be skype session). Exact instructions and times will be given to participants in the course starting day (course teacher tries to stay away from typical exam timetables)
Week 12-13 22.3. - 29.03.2019 Digikaappaus 2019 Hackathon CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS) (course will be given in Finnish, because of needs of the company giving the challenge). You get the credits by participating the DigiKaappaus hackathon, building the solution analysis report inside the hack week and writing report after the week. To participate into this course, send an e-mail to happonen AT (Viestissä kerro nimesi, sähköpostiosoitteesi ja opiskelijanumerosi). Deadline for the message is 21.3.2019 time 13:00). You need to participate in the mandatory sessions (start event, midcourse presentation session and final presentation). Exact instructions for the challenge presented by Eksote in this Hackathon spirited Code Camp will be given by DigiKaappaus event organization. To receive the 3ECTS course credits, please follow these instructions (ohjeet Suomeksi)
Week 21 20.5. - 24.05.2019 LTKY 50v development challenge Code Camp CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS) You can participate into the course in Lappeenranta and in Lahti. The course will start on Monday 20.05.2019 around midday. You shall receive the credits by taking part to building the demonstration application solution to solve the LTKY 50years challenge (inc. participating to start session), by giving the middle course and end of the course presentations and by writing short final results & reflection report. For more detailed information about the challenge itself, look into the LTKY Challenge webpages. To participate into this course, please use the following form to register (deadline extended to 17.5.2019, time 23:55) into the course: . For detailed calculation about the 3ECTS course credits, please see the PDF document about (LTKY 50y challenge course instructions). Short promotional details about the event, look at (LTYK 50y challenge in brief) document. For events inside the course, please look at the (LTYK 50y challenge week agenda / timetable)

The challenge is build around the history data of skinnarila areas, skinnarila spirit and ideology of preserving the star moments of “Teekkari culture”.
Week 22-24 01.06. - 14.06.2019 EnerKey case challenge Hackathon CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS / 6ECTS) Event build around 3 cities (LUT Lappeenranta, Lahti and Kuopio). Participate into the course in any of these locations. Course starts on Saturday afternoon 01.06.2019 with hack challenge presentation for 6ECTS course participants. All other course related meeting times are after 16:00 in afternoon / evening time or in weekends (winning team have 30min slot on last Friday to present the solution between 11:00 to 12:00)

(Tentative course timetable)

Hacking is HIGHLY recommended to happen in 2 to 4 people teams, BUT if requested, single person “teams” will be allowed. Please do note, the requirement of generating results is same for all team sizes, the team size does of course affect a little bit on expectation of how versatile the proposed solution is :-)

* Team member present on solution presentations
* if team wins, participate to end presentation and
* produce short personal course reflection document.
* Your team project presentation Power Points etc. will work as group result documentation

EnerKey will be providing us with their case presentation, challenge setting, mid course hints & support comments and most likely evening time distance support “service” for all course participants.

General promotion document: the EnerKey hackathon one pager

To register in to the course (deadline for 3ECTS course registration is 07.6.2019, time 23:55): (*Click here*)

3ECTS (8-14.06.2019) course participants make one solution (e.g. business related data visualization)
6ECTS 1-14.06.2019 participants produce two different solutions inside given hack focus areas

8.6.2019 Saturday is special day with mid-course presentations AND possibility for 3ECTS participants to join to 6ECTS group to work in the second focus area the 6ECTS teams have left OR 3ECTS course participants can make their own group and build their own solution.

Some nice sauna events etc. extra curricula activities have been promised by the company and a winning teams shall have rewards too!

Week 39 25.09.2019 TechRace CT10A7041 - Code Camp (1 ECTS ) TechRace is a preparation innovation and competition event for the Junction international hackathon event series.
LUT students who participate to the TechRace event 2019 at LUT are also alloved to apply to this Code Camp.
In In this course, students will do short reflective work on short hackathons, comparing related literature into the tehcrace event experience to receive the course credit.
To enroll to the course, please contact happonen AT
Week 46 11.11. - 17.11.2019 Junction CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS ) Junction is an international hackathon organized annually in Helsinki, Finland
LUT students who have been approved to Junction 2019 event can apply to this Code Camp.
In In this course, students start by studying junction like events, to build up a strategy on how to achieve better results in the actual event. After the background work, students shall participation into the junction 2019 event and build reflective document from the event. Finally, reporting of background studies and event time and after the event learnings and experiences of the event will be needed to pass the course and to get the credits. \\To enroll to the course, please contact happonen AT
PERCCOM Summer School 2018

The PERCCOM Summer School 2018, themed “Building Our Future Together” aims to bring together students, alumni, researchers, city representatives and industry practitioners to discuss the role of humans and technology in building a sustainable future for our societies. The summer school is being held at Lappeenranta University of Technology from 11th to 15th of June 2018. In this wiki you will find useful information about this summer school.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask us by sending an email to

Past Code Camps in Year 2018:

Week Date Topic Course ID (cr) More information
Week 1 2.1. - 5.1.2018 React.js CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS) LUT Software Engineering Masters programme with OCTO3 offers special change to learn and challenge your self on React.js (
First-day expert lecture series is given in FINNISH!
If there ever has been a change to get easily into world of building user interfaces in guidance of an expert, then it is this one!
Apply before 29.12.2017 to join (link for informing your details for the course).
Code Camp program will be a set of 4 days (Day 1 = OCTO3 hands-on training, DAY 2 & 3 Code Camp competition coding, DAY4 afternoon = results presentations and evaluation)
Overview content of the first-day lectures and exercises: React + React Native & Redux. Including: ideologies & ways to think, technical basics & components, “best practises”, React router, Redux (action, reducer, store, dispatch), Async model(s) and of course workshop learning examples!
For the first day, you can prepare yourself with your own computer (laptop) and NodeJs installation (6+ version should be ok, but old is not gold in this case)
Course pages HERE
Week 4 26.1. - 28.1.2018 Global Game Jam
FGJ CodeCamp 2018 pages
CT10A7041 - Code Camp (4 ECTS) Participate to the Lappeenranta event of the Finnish Game Jam! You get the credits by 1. Signing up to the event following the event instructions 2. Sign in to Oodi by listing into the Game Jam Code Camp (deadline 25.1.2018 time 23.59) 3. Participate to the event full time 4. Participate to the project presentations in February (date and place will be announced later on) 5. Do follow these instructions of all the needed course parts to get the 4 credits.
Remember to sign up to the FGJ event before all places are reserved!
Week 9 26.2. - 02.03.2018 Software robotics & testing automation CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS) A Code Camp that will be organized in collaboration with CGI.
Here you can find the short presentation of the camp content area specified by CGI.

For 5 days program, look for the daily agenda file in here

To participate in the course register in it in Oodi! deadline extended to: 23.02.2018 time 13:00.
Also use this link to inform CGI you are coming to the course (they need this to reserve competition prices and food & drinks for Monday evening Sauna event!

You get the 3 ECTS course credits by 1. participating in the course and doing the coursework 2. As a group (team size is maximum of 4 people), making the project presentation and small wiki page 3. Writing a group reflection report

Course pages HERE
Week 12 21.3. - 22.3.2018 Digitalization & Innovation
The course material will be in Finnish as the company who gives the task and is participating into the event can only deliver the material in Finnish.

Toimeksiantaja (Carea) edustaa sosiaali ja terveysalaa ja hakee tapahtumalla ajatuksia digitalisaation ja terveysalan rajapinnasta
CT10A7041 - Code Camp (1-2 ECTS) Tapahtumaan mukaan valitut opiskelijat saavat yritykseltä taustoja ohjeistavan informaatiopaketin, itse tarkka haaste paljastetaan tapahtumapaikalla. Opiskelijoille järjestetään bussikyyti tapahtumapaikalle ja takaisin (Holiday Club Saimaa Imatralla), sekä maijoitus paikanpäällä. Mukaan haetaan hakulomakkeella (jossa voi toivoa ryhmänsä jäseniä) .
Jokainen tapahtumaan valittu opiskelija voi osallistua myös muuhun tapahtuman tarjoamiin esitystilaisuuksiin yms. toimintaan. Lisätietoja itse Digikaappaus tapahtumasta:
Tapahtumassa ryhmätyöskentely toteutetaan 4 hengen ryhmissä.

1 ECTS kurssisuoritus: Tapahtumaan osallistuminen ja tapahtumareflektion kirjoittaminen
2 ECTS kurssisuoritus: Osallistuminen, tapahtumareflektio ja 2 aiheeseen liittyvän teiteellisen julkaisun läpikäyminen ja sisällön peilaaminen tähän Hack tapahtumaan.
Suoritus arvioidaan hyväksytty / hylätty periaatteella

Ohjeet toimitetaan suoraan kurssille valituille opiskelijoille.
Week 19 10.5. - 13.5.2018 Home automation CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS) Note! This is more about home automation equipment and solutions and not so much of coding
Course pages HERE
Week 21 25.5. - 26.5.2018 Farm Hack CT10A7041 - Code Camp (2-3 ECTS) For LUT Code Camp course participation (to get the ECTS credicts) send an e-mail to happonen AT lut dot fi to register (deadline 25.05.2018, time: 14:00)

Evaluation: Pass / Fail
Note yoou can participate to this event wiht Skype!!
Open Data and Agriculture related Hack event. 2ECTS for participation and reflection report. 3ECTS for Participation, reflection report and additional development steps for the teams hack results given by the LUT course teacher with team level report and presentation for the update process. Personal reports deadline 17.06.2018 (time 23:59), Team level report and presentation 27.07.2018.
More details about the hack event:
regisration to the event
Week 45-46 9.11. - 15.11.2018 WCM Hackathon & CodeCamp CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS / 6 ECTS) WCM Hackathon & Code Camp gives the student the possibility to participate to LUT research and to challenge your self on pratical modeling side (from customer idea to application)
This course is actually divided to 2 different implementation giving students opportunity to aim for 3 ECTS (one week course) or to 6 ECTS course which includes additional self studies after the event itself.
Week 47 23.11. - 25.11.2018 Junction CT10A7041 - Code Camp (3 ECTS ) Junction is a 48 hour international hackathon organized annually in Helsinki, Finland
LUT students who have approved to Junction 2018 event can apply to this Code Camp.
In In this course, students start by studying junction like events, to build up a strategy on how to achieve better results in the actual event. After this a participation into the junction 2018 with documentation from the event. And finally reporting of background studies and reflection of learnings and experiences of the event to achieve the course credits. \\To enroll to the course, please contact happonen AT

Past Code Camps in Year 2017:

Week Date Topic Course ID (cr) More information
Week 3 20.1. - 22.1.2017 Global Game Jam
FGJ CodeCamp 2017 pages
CT10A7040 - Code Camp (4op) Participate to the Lappeenranta event of the Finnish Game Jam! You get the credits by 1. Signing up to the event in Eventbrite 2. Giving your student details in LUT sign-up form 3. Participate to the event full time 4. Participate to the project presentations in late January.
More information was broadcasted on a webcast on 13.1. at 13:00. Recording of the cast and the course info PDF with requirements is posted on the course page (link on the left). Remember to sign up to the FGJ event before all places are reserved!
Week 6 8-9.2.2017 (Wednesday & Thursday) Digitalization & Innovation
(Two companies, Hub logistics & VR are offering support and more specific topic areas for participants)
CT10A7040 - Code Camp (3op) The companies choose a certain number of teams to this event. Apply to join with the application form.
Find more information in the event description.
This is a really great opportunity to work on innovation challenges with major companies! The event is at Holiday Club Saimaa. Selected teams have free transportation, lodging and mentoring by the companies. Opportunity to talk about summer jobs and thesis work topics, also possibility to get past interviews and job lines (choose your words carefully in your application form, it will count!) • Free access on 2 day DigiKaappaus seminar (presenter like Anssi Vanjoki (LUT), Timo Vuorensola (Iron Sky movie director), Johanna Pystönen (Vincit) and others on stage. Please note, at least some presentation will be in Finnish.
Week 9 27.2-3.3.2017 (Monday - Friday) Home Automation CT10A7040 - Code Camp This course is for the Perccom students. Home automation camp teaches you how to use technology to control your home for energy savings. Course pages HERE
Weeks 19-21 May 14-26 2017 SHIP Distruption CodeCamp It is possible to transfer 5ECTS credits, inquire before participating SHIP Distruption Camp is arranged in Kotka, Finland by XAMK and Cursor with Google and others. More information and join application HERE
Weeks 22-31 29.5-31.7.2017 Summer project camp 10 - 14 ECTS credits IT kesäleiri (Summer Project Camp, SPC) tarjoaa ensimmäisen vuoden opiskelijoille työelämäkokemusta ohjelmointihaasteiden parissa. Tietotekniikan ja laskennallisen tekniikan opiskelijat pystyvät edistämään opintojaan ja kehittämää osaamistaan kesän aikana työskentelemällä ohjatusti SPC:llä normaalien työelämän pelisääntöjen mukaisesti. Kandidaatin tutkinto-ohjelman ensimmäisen vuoden opiskelijoiden työtehtävät painottuvat toisen vuoden kurssien suorittamiseen kesän aikana ja kursseihin liittyvät harjoitustyöt tullaan tekemään yhtenä isompana projektina. DI-ohjelman ensimmäisen vuoden opiskelijoille tarjotaan haastavampia ohjelmointiprojekteja ja opiskelijat pystyvät suorittamaan työharjoittelun lisäksi vapaavalintaisia projektikursseja. SPC:n kokonaisuudessaan hyväksyttävästi suorittavat opiskelijat tekevät kahden kuukauden aikana vähintään 10 ECTS:n verran tutkintoon sopivia opintoja sekä saavat työtodistuksen aktiivisesta osallistumisestaan SPC:hen. More information and how to apply see:: Ohjeet kandi opiskelijat: 2017_it_kesaleiri.pdf Instructions for MSc. students: 2017it_summer_project_camp.pdf Last date to send application for the camp is April 13th 2017
Week 20 15.5.-19.5.2017 (Monday - Friday) Wearable Devices Cancelled Cancelled because of lack of attendants.

Past Code Camps:

  • Otso Case Code Camp, 24.10.2016 - 28.10.2016 (CT10A7040 Code Camp, 4 cr) - A business case -based Code Camp with a local company, LTC Otso. Brainstorm and bring out your most creative ideas for the health and wellbeing sector! Develop new application for engaging user to improve his / her or the team/company health and wellbeing. Application should encourage user to perform actions that are beneficial for health purposes. This can be walking, exercising, dieting, regular sleeping, mindfulness anything you can think of! The application could be either web application or mobile app. You can work with any prototyping tool you are familiar with from React to Unity.
    • We start on Monday 24.10. in the Linux classroom at 09:30AM and conclude by Friday afternoon with project presentations.
    • Signup for the course in order to receive updates and materials! Sign up HERE
    • Course pages open by the end of week 42. Course is on week 43 from Monday to Friday.
    • If you have questions or comments, write to Antti Knutas (
    • See course pages: Otso Case 2016 pages
  • 5.8. - 7.8.2016 - Gadget CodeCamp - see Gadget CodeCamp 2016 pages
  • Gamification Protocamp, 18.4.-22.4.2016 (Independent part of CT60A8000 Game Development Project, 2 cr) - A short, one week protocamp where the concept is to design a gamified service or product, or application for Serious Games or Games for Health, and develop the first proof-of-concept prototype either by programming work, visual design, paper mockups, interactive play, balladic rock-opera, or any other way you consider feasible!
    • No prior programming experience needed!
    • No pre-signup, just show up on the introduction lecture and start designing!
    • Recommended especially for the student enrolled on the course CT30A5110 Gamification - from Concepts to Implementations
    • More info at “CT60A8000 Game Development Project” Noppa-pages.
  • Sustainability Code Camp, 29.2. - 4.3.2016 (Week 9) (Code Camp on Platform Based Application Development, 4 cr) - Code Camp on sustainability with a visiting Professor Olaf Droehagen from Hartz University, Germany. Development platform and theme is home automation. No signup. Just arrive to Linux-classroom 6218 on Monday 29.2. at 9:00 AM.

Upcoming Code Camps and Courses

Registration for these Code Camps is open or going to open soon

Previous Code Camps

Code Camps that have been finished this year

Gadget Code Camp - August 2016

Gadget Code Camp – Hacking Technology (1 cr)
72h weekend: 5.8. - 7.8.2016

More information and schedule: Gadget CodeCamp 2016 pages

There's a weekend-long Gadget Code Camp at Lappeenranta University of Technology! Brainstorm and bring out your most creative ideas! Develop for all sorts of gadgets from eye trackers to brainwave scanners. We will bring out all the exotic gadgets that the IT department has collected into its storage through the years. What's the most creative you can implement with these devices? The weekend event will be held at the university beachfront sauna.

Course arrangements and news, in brief:

  • Location: LUT Beachfront Sauna
  • Main contact persons are Antti Knutas (
  • Bring your own laptop (no PCs available)

See the summer school description at . (For summer school participants - everyone can sign up for the Gadget Code Camp, even if you are not participating in the summer school!)

Coding for


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